Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: All Characters belong to Cassandra Clare, not to me.


"What are we going to do today?" Alec asked, a smile growing upon his face. I smiled and snapped a blindfold over his eyes. "MAGNUS! GET THIS OFF OF ME!" He shouted as I chuckled. I loved the way he squirmed in my grip, while laughing and occasionally giggle. Oh how I loved his giggle.

"Its a surprise, Alexander. If you would calm down you would get the blindfold off faster." I said, trying to sound seriouse. I failed.  Alec chuckled at me, but relaxed. I moved myself behind him and put my hands on his shoulders. Doing this, I lightly  led him forwards toward the door. I then led him down the stairs, and out of the flat. He stumbled a few times but made it out to the side walk. Deciding that it would be to long of a walk for us to make like this, I waved for a cab. After a few tries we got one, and I carefully led him inside. He hit his ankles a few times, but we eventually got in. The cabbie gave me a funny look. I gave her our destination a few blocks away from where I wastaking Alec. The cabbie glanced at me, then Alec, and began to drive.


As Magnus led me around I felt like I was tripping over everything we passsed. When we had gotten out of the cab I tripped and landed face first on the side walk. As we walked I sighed dramatically, and got a chuckle from Magnus. After what seemed like and hour of walking, or in my case stumbling, we came to a stop. I heared lots of taking, most likley from mundanes, coming from around me. I knew we were inside, because we walked through... or I walked into, a set of doors a while ago. I felt Magnus' hands untieing the blindfold from my head, and I was growing impatient. Magnus must have noticed because he began going slower, and it made me want to rip the blindfold off. Thats what I did. Grabbing the cloth from my face, I pulled. I didn't feel a pull of any sort. Turning around I saw Magnus trying to hold back smile. I looked down to see what he was laughing at and I was wearing a completely different outfit. I had on bright green pants, purple shoes, and a glittery purple shirt. I glared up at him, and saw he had bursted out laughing. Looking around I found that we were in a large store. Actually a large building full of stores. I spotted the nearest bathroom and took off, Magnus yelling my name behind me.

I entered the bathroom, and made sure no-one was there. I was sure Magnus would have followed me but he hadn't shown up. I looked in the mirror and saw the reason he was laughing. Looking at my face you could see smudged eye line, probably from when I yanked off the blind fold, and my hair was more of a mess then usual. I sighed, but couldn't help but smile.

"So you do like it?" Magnus' voice rang from behind me. I shook my head and turned to face him.

"No, I just think that I look so stupid its laughable." I stated, gesturing to my entire being. Magnus chuckled and pulled me into the bathroom stall on the end. When he snapped his fingers the toilet disapeared, but in its place was a chair. Also, there were make-up wipes, a change of clothes, and a comb. I rolled my eyes and sat in the chair. Moving to pick up the make-up wipes, my hand was smacked away. Instead Magnus grabbed them and began gently wiping my face. He had his midle and pointed  finger under my chin, and would occasionally turn my head when it was needed. It didn't take long for him to pull back and nod, telling me the make-up was off. Next he combed my hair, at first I began to protest telling him I could come my own hair but had to give in. I knew there was no way I was going to win that fight. Finally I stood up and he snapped his fingers, returning the stall to its original looks. He handed me the clothes and left. I could tell the clothes were mine as soon as I saw them. There was baggy blue jeans, and a long sleaved black shirt. When I was finished dressing I stepped out of the stall and glanced in the mirror. My hair was neat... or as neat as it ever was, and all the make-u was off my face. I sighed in relief and left the restroom.

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