Chapter 23

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All of what I had eaten that day, now sat in the toilet in front of me. I groaned in annoyance and Magnus began gently rubbing my back. I didnt quite understand why I was so ill, but I guessed it was just the season. Magnus said that I should see a doctor, so I told him I would if I was still ill in a week. Well, that was a week ago and my condition had only gotten worse. After coughing over the toilet for a few more minutes, I stood up and got a glass of water from the kitchen.

"Alexander, you promised me you would see a doctor today." Magnus whined. I gulped down the rest of my water and turned ro face him. His eyes were filled with worry and care.

"Fine, when do you want to go?" I said reluctantly. He smiled.

"NOW!" And before I knew it, I was dressed and in a taxi. The driver asked us for our destination and Magnus told him. I, however, was trying not to puke all over the back seat. I knew we were going to a mundane hospital that Magnus knew of. The top three floors were reseved for the shadow world. As we pulled up, and Magnus ushered me out of the car, my legs buckled underneath of me. Magnus picked me up off the ground and carried me inside. The rest of what happened kind of went by in a blur. Nurces, doctors, hallways, doors, beds, machines, Magnus, Magnus, Magnus, Magnus, Magnus. I saw him the most. Every time there wasnt something being shoved in me or in front of me, Magnus' worried expression filled my vision. Then, finally, I fell asleep. The same inmage in my mind.

I watched as Alexander was taken care of. I was highly worried about him. The doctor was a warlock like myself, but much younger. He stood around the age of 110.  He was very good at his job, so I guessed that was all that mattered. After a few hours Alec fell asleep and everyone cleared the room. I just sat their for a while, letting my mind wander and imagine things that could only ever be dreamed of. Only about 10 minutes passed before Alec woke up. He blinked a few times, allowing his bright blue eyes to adjust to the light, before he looked at me.

"Do you know whats wrong with me yet?" He asked. I frowned at his choice of words, but shook my head. A look of disappointment crossed his face as he looked around. "I hope its nothing too bad." He said eventually.

"Me too.I just got a great boyfriend and it would be a shame if he just dumped me like this." I replied, trying to lighten the mood. I winced as soon as I realized what I had said, then returned my attention to Alec. His expression was serious, and hurt. Nice job. Now he thinks that he is just a fling. I thought as I tried to come up with a way to explain myself. How do you explain something like that? He looked at the sheets covering him glumly.

"Alexander, I am so sorry. I... I just......" I sighed. There was no way I could explain myself. He just glanced up at me, tears in his eyes.

"I am such an idiot." He whispered. I stared at him, trying to determine what he could mean.

"What would bring you to beleive suck a thing?" I asked softly. He smiled.

"I actually thought that you cared about me. I beleived that the reason you were being so nice to me was because you lo.... liked me. Now I realize I was only a toy." He said, staring down at his hands the whole time. I opened my mouth to reply, but I wasnt sure how. He glanced up at me-most likely looking for a reaction- and then looked back down. "It was stupid, I know." Before even thinking about it, I leaned forward and kissed him. He didnt push me off, but didnt kiss back either. Just sat there. When I pulled back he looked confused.

"I most certainly do have feelings for you, Alec. I am more sure of that then I have been about anything else in my entire 800 years of living."

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