Chapter 24

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As soon as I woke up, I noticed something was different. Sitting up, I realized that we were in Magnus' flat. We had spent a few hours at the doctors office, and then I fell asleep. I still wasnt sure why I was so ill, but at least I was home. I mean.... at Magnus' apartment. I glanced aroung the warlocks bedroom and quickly noticed his absense. Quickly, I got up and went to look for him. It wasnt hard, either. He stood at the kitchen stove, back to me. I walked over to him and layed my hand on his lower back. He jumped, then spun around to see me.

"Alexander, you scared me half to death!" He exclaimed. I chuckled, and he studied me curiously.

"The unscarable Magnus Bane, got scared. That puts a damper on the tytle, doesnt it?" I replied. He childishly crossed his arms over his chest.

"That doesnt count. You are a Shadowhunter, and I have been up for many hours waiting to see if you were alright." He argued. I rolled my eyes.

"What time is it anyways?" I asked.

"1:32 am...." He replied. My eyes widened and I stared at him in shock.

"Why didnt you go to bed?" I asked.

"Well if it wasnt obvious enough, I tell you once again. I was up waiting to see if you were alright. That, and you were sprawled across my bed like you were trying to keep me off." I rolled my eyes. After a few moments, I told him that I was going to bed. He quickly followed.

After Alec layed down in bed beside me I began to worry. What the doctors said about his condition scared me. I had known many people with the same problem, but with him I wasnt sure what to do. I wasnt even sure how it had happened. The doctors eplained to me that he had been infected by something only found in the rarest of demons blood. It wouldnt kill him right off the bat, but slowly it would. It could take weeks, but it would.

Then it hit me. The night we had gone out to dinner, those men that had attacked him. I reckognised the one in the back. He had been our waiter. I only just now realised this, but Alecs drink had been a darker color then expected. Not much, just a tint, but different. Sitting up, I rushed out of the room and ran into my study. I began flipping through books and panflets until I found it.


This poison can only be found in rare greater demons. When consumed, the victim may be inflicted in a series of symptoms, such as vomiting, lightheadedness, runny nose, and occasionally rashes upon the arms or legs. This can only be treated through a ritual between the victim and their soal mate. If left untreated this may result in death.

I stared blankly at the page. Shadhai was the poison I had been given, but this just seemed obsured. Alec hadnt gone outside in the past few weeks, so I knew it had to have been the waiter. I now knew that the poison had been slipped into water. But one thing left me uncertain. Was I Alecs soal mate?

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