Chapter 18

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It was so strange. Ever since I fell asleep I had been watching myself from a new prospective. Like.... like I was floating over my body, but with the inability of movement. I saw Magnus. For a few days I watched people come in and out of my room as he lie still on my floor. I heard then, that the silence brothers would be there to  confirming my death in two weeks. But, I wasn't dead. Was I? After three days Magnus got up off the floor and sat in a chair beside my bed. He hadnt moved. He didnt eat, and he rarely slept. My mother and father eventually came, and questioned why he was there, but he never spoke to thme. He rarely spoke. He spoke to my body everynow and them, begging me to come back. Despite my efforts I couldn't move. I tried over and over and over again, without any luck. All I needed to do was comfort him. That was all. It had been 9 days of the same thing. Nobody ever visited Magnus or I anymore. Izzy did a few days before but she was in to much pain. I hated her seeing me like this. Magnus was asleep now. I knew he would be awake soon. He only slept for about an hour at a time. Slowly, I felt as if I was coming closer to my body. Like I was being sucked back in. As I neared it I saw that my body looked limp, and pale. Even my hair looked dull and lifeless. Magnus had the same look to him. He lie limp in his chair, deep bags under his eyes showing lack of sleep. He was thin, and I could see all of the bones that werent covered by the clothing he had worn the morning I had died. Before I knew it I was back in my own body. It felt heavy. I opened my eyes, though it was slightly difficult. I glanced around and everything looked as it just had, Magnus asleep in the chair beside me.Posisioning my hands by my side, I moved to sit up. Halfway through this attempt a shouted out in pain. Magnus jolted out of sleep and frantically looked around. His eyes settled on me and his jaw hit the floor.

"Alec? Alexander? Is that you?" He asked. I smiled lightly and nodded my head.

"Yes Magnus, its me." My voice was heavy and rough. He smiled, but it immediatly dissapeared. He moved to my side and placed a hand on my shoulder, lightly pushing me back into a laying posision. Then, he sat down next to me. "Magnus.... why are you here? How long have I been here?" He sighed heavily and looked at me with sad eyes.

"9 days. Alexander, they all said  you were dead. Five more days and the Silent Brothers would have been here to confirm your death. How are you here?" He asked, his voice low. I stared at him for a moment, unsure how to answer, when Izzy popped through the door. Before I even knew what hit me she was holding me in a death hug. THere was a sharp pain in my chest, that shot through my body, and I gasped out in pain. She quickly released and covered her mouth with her hands. I wasnt sure why at first, so I glanced down. My shirt was being soaked in fresh blood. I looked at Magnus who quickly moved into action. Blue bolts shot from his hands to my s=chest as he mumbled ancient words. Soon the pain disipated and the blood flow stopped. Soon after I fell asleep with Magnus by my side. I knew Izzy had left to tell the others I was awake, and I was curious on how they would react.

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