Chapter 16

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Disclaimer:All Characters Belong to Cassandra Clare


I woke up and immediatly noticed the absence in my bed. Lazily, I stood up and made my way into the living room. I really wish Alec didnt have to be so secritive about our relationship. Was it even worth it anymore? Was he even worth it? With out a moments hesitation I knew the answer was yes. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 12: 47. I sighed. I really did hate sleeping in this late. I snapped myself a cup of coffee and went back into my bedroom to retrieve my phone. Immediatly, I checked for any missed calls or messages from any one, particularly Alec. None to my surprise there was none. I walked into the living room and plopped down onto the couch, only to hear a glass shattering yowl from Chairman Meow. I shot up just in time to see him race into one of the spare bedrooms. With a sigh, I sat down once again and turned on the television. I put on an old show but couldn't keep my mind off Alec. Moments later my phone went off. The time read 2:45. I must have zoned out longer then I thought. I answered the phone and was slightly shocked to see that Isabelle was calling.

"What is it Isabelle? I am very busy at the moment so this better be important." I lied, trying to sound more occupied. I heard hushed sobs and I stopped with my facade. "Whats happened? Is Alec alright."

"We.... we were hunting and-and he...... he.." She broke off into a fit of sobs.

"Where are you? I will be there as soon as I can." She gave me an address and I rushed to the area. I knew it well.

Once I arrived to the address I was ditstaught by what I saw. There was a crumpled figure lying in the grass and I knew instantly it was Alec. I heard Izzy crying, and Jace trying to calm her, but I had no need to figure out where they were. I knelt by Alecs side and almost gagged at what I saw. There was three scratches, most likely demon claw marks, on his face. The edges were black like they had been burned there. The front of his shirt was torn in multiple places revealing deep wounds. This wasn't the worst of it. In his chest, right next to his heart, was a black spine. It was clearly deep into the flesh and a milimeter to the left would have been in Alecs heart. I let out a muffled cry and pulled the raven haired boy into my lap. His eyes were closed but I could see his chest rising and falling. It was a faint movement, but it was there. With tears streaming down my face I got to work. First I healed the scratches on his face, which luckily didn't take to long. Then I worked on the wounds on his chest. They took a bit longer to heal due to the demon poison in them. I tried to bet the spine out, but it wouldn't budge. I used all of my strength, and focused all of my power on it. Mubling ancient words under my breath, it began to move. It was slowly coming out, and Alecs blood bushed out. I stopped. If it came out like this Alec would bleed to death. I quickly stood up and made a portal. I needed to get him to the only person I knew could help him.

Tormented By Our Love (Mortal Instruments,Malec)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin