Chapter 5

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I woke up at 6:30 am, an average time for me. Getting out of bed,I took my shower and put on a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers. I went downstairs, and saw isabelle sitting on the couch staring at me.

"You look nice." She said with a large, childlike smile.

" Thanks." Ireplied and went to grab my coat.

"Where are you going?

"The library." Which wasn't a lie. it wasonly 7:47 so I still had 4 hours and 13 minutes until I went to see Magnus.

" Why? I mean, you never go there, we have a library here. I know you are lying to me, so tell me whats up."

"I..... am going to Takis with Magnus. But not until noon."

" I knew you were going to see him. You told me yesterday you guys were gonna meet up today." She said, looking on the verge of laughing. She was right though, I had told her that before we even made exact plans.

" And anyways Alec,I am not letting you leave looking like.... that."

"I thought you said I looked nice?"

"And you do, but you want to look great!" And with that, she dragged me upstairs to her room. First she brushed my hair, making it look neat. Then she added a touch of eye liner.


"Yes, you do. Trust me, it makes your eyes, hair, and runes show more. I never really thought about how many runes showed on my skin, I was so used to them. Luckily I always remembered a glamoure, or mundanes would think I had a tattoo problem.

"Fine..." I said with a sigh. Then she dragged me into the bathroom, and began washing my face with adamp towelett.

"Isabelle, I already showered." I said, trying to convince her to stop.

"I know that, but this lightens your skin and makes in look shiney!" I decided it was not worth a fight, she was gonna do what she wanted no matter what I said. Soon after my finger nails were cut, and my hands were lotioned. The time was now 10:30.



I woke up at 8 O'clock on the dot. Remembering thatI was seeing Alec today I quickly got up, showered, put on blue skinny jeans and a red t-shirt. Then, I spiked my hair and added blue glitter to it. Finally adding my eye liner and mascara I went to check my phone. Nothing. I went into my living room and began watching "Kiara El Kitten" the TV series. At 11:30 I went downstairs and started walking to Jave Jones.The entire walk there I went over and over, thinking of what would happen once I was there. While walking, I bumped into a man, about 36 I would say.

"Watch it!" He snapped and walked off.

"Mundanes..." I mumbled with a roll of the eyes. Before I even knew it I was at Java Jones. Checking the time Isaw it was 11:43. Alec wasnt here yet, so I sat in the booth nearest the door. I sat there akwardly for 7 minutes, and then texted him.

From: Magnus

To: Alec

I just arrived at Java Jones, see you soon!

I decided he didn't need to know I had been waiting. Almost immediatly my phone went off.

From: Alec

To: Magnus

Okay, I will be there shortly. I am already on my way.

And sure enough, a few minutes later he walked in. His hair was nicely brushed, his skin was clear, and it looked as if he had some makeup on. He looked more like the boy in my dream now then he had before, it made my heart begin to race. I wasn't sure, but I think I was nervouse.

"Hello?" He said, staring at me. I hadn'trealized he had sat down.

"What? Oh,yes, excuse me. I was thinking." I said. He had opened his mouth to speak but the a red headed waiter came over to us and began to speak.

"Hello, I am Marria. What can I get you two gentlemen today?" She asked, looking from me to Alec. She was staring at Alec with wide hazel eyes.

" I will have a black coffee, with two sugars." I told her.She looked away from Alec to write down my order, and then Alecs order of coffee with cream and 1 sugar. When she left, she gave Alec a flirty wave, then disappeared into the kitchen.

"Well, next time we go somewhere, lets go somewhere with less flirty waiters." I said. I earned a blush from Alec, and then a smile.

"What do you mean, next time?" Then I realized he blushed, not because the waitress had been flirting with him, but because I mentioned going out again.

"I would assume that we would get to see eachother again, unless you want to go see that flirty waitress, then come here all I want." He turned 3 shades darker and looked ot the window next to us.

"I don't think she has any chances with me." He said, turning to me and smiling.



I was wondering if I should tell Magnus if I was gay. Wouldnt we already know? He was asking if I would go out with a girl though.

"Why wouldn't she?" He asked tilting his head to the side.

"I am not into people like her, I guess." I was sure my face was beat red. I tried to smile, but I couldn't.

"So what kind of people are you into?"

"I don't know really.. well... um..."

"Alexander, are you going to tell me that someone isn't your type, then say you don't have a type?"

"Its just, I have never had a girlfriend." I said.

"Why not, surely you have noticed plenty of girls flirting with you. Are they not good enough?"

"I do notice girls flirting, I just.... well.... I don't...... feelanything towards any of them." I sturrered. I was having a hard time explaining myself, especially since he was the one I had feelings for.

"I can understand that." He said, sounding a lot more seriouse then usual.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked, not even meaning to. Why would I say that?

"Well of course Alexander." He spoke with such care in his eyes.

" I'm gay, that is why I never had a girlfriend. I haven't had a boyfriend either. Only Isabelle knows I am." He looked up, and looked ad if he might smile.

"I might be able to change that."



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