Chapter 3

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I knew when I thanked Alec that I had to get close to him, whether I would be his friend or more then his friend, I would get close to him. As we walked into the shop I went over and over variouse ways to get him to open up to me when something hit me, whats the point in it? I mean if he is not gay, what is the point in me trying?

"MAGNUS!" Someone yelled. I quickly zoned back in and saw a diabolus demon running towards me.
(diabolus is devil in Latin.) I got into my fighting position with my hands in front of me and blue light zapped out, striking the demon down. This continued, demon anfter demon. Suddenly I was surrounded by about 16 diabolus demons, lying dead on the ground.

"Well, wasn't that a workout?" I said. Isabelle, Alec, and Clary were behind me and nodded.

"Where is the snappy blonde?" With that, the three shadowhuters looked around, and began looking worried. We were suddenly spread out across the shop looking for him when Clary screamed. I soun around and shot another blue bolt, barely missing the figure in front of her.

"What the hell Magnus? At least check what you are attacking before nearliy killing it!" Jace yelled. Noweveryone waslooking at me like I was an idiot, except, strangely, Alec who said "Jace! Calm down. He was trying to protect Clary, BECAUSE YOU SCARED HER, so you have NO rights to yell at him, so stop being an ass and get in the car!"

I smiled, especially because when Jace began asking why he keeps protecting me. I am starting to wonder if Alec does like me, I mean his friends clearly find it odd that he is standing up for me.

Soon enough I was back at my flat getting ready for bed. I fed chairman meow, took a shower, and sat on the couch watching reruns of  "When Love Strikes Back" on cable. I was to tired to go into my bedroom, so I layed down and slept on the couch.



Why did I have to stick up for Magnus? Now because of my big mouth Jace keeps asking questions. I was laying in bed, and things like this, all about Magnus Bane, were racing through my head. Things like - Why does he have to be so attractive? or Why do I have to be gay? occasionally even  What would happen if I told him how I feel? Then I thought about Jace. I mean, why was he being such a jerk to Magnus? I mean yeah I have known him since he was 10, and he is always rude to people, but not always that rude. Then I heard a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I shouted, and sat up on my un made bed and stared at the door. Then Isabelle walked in.

"You know, when some one says 'Who is it?'  they want to know who is at the door, it is not an entrance ticket." I said with a smile to tease her. She walked over to my bed and sat next to me. She was wearing a knee high, tight turple dress with a black necklace.

"I was coming to see if you were okay." She looked sad and worried while she said it.

"I am fine, why wouldnt I be?" Her look changed from worried to annoyed in an instent.

"Alec, I am your sister. You may not think I know you all that well but I do. I know that ever since we went to Magnus Banes party you have been so.... different. You don't talk to anyone, you look as if you haven't slept, and then today you were just so snappy." I didn't think it was possible, well not for Isabelle anyways, but there was no sarcasm, no bossyness, just a hurt sibling in her eyes.

Tormented By Our Love (Mortal Instruments,Malec)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora