Will I Write A Sequal?

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Okay, it has been a few hours since I asked you if I should write a sequal. I have gottne 5 comments saying that I should. I thank all of you that commented, and told me that you enjoyed my story. While I do appreciate the efforts, I have made my decision. I will definently be writing a sequal to this story. It will be called "Saved By Our Love (Sequal to TBOL. TMI FanFic)". I do realise that five people may not seem like many to you. I see these five commenters (Apart from paws) as just enough, though. I take pride that these people decided that they wanted me to write another, and I will not let them down. For more information on SBOL, wait until I finish this story. My very last update will be on all of the needed info on it.  THANK YOU SO MUCH! I have enjoyed writing this!

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