Chapter 19

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Slowly, I made my way out of Alecs grasp and back onto my chair. His parents would be there anytime soon and most likely would not take nicely by the warlock the has been sitting aimlessly next to their dead sons bods lying in bed with him. Jace and Clary had stopped by a bit earlier. Obviously, Jace started up with abnoxious comments.

"I thought you said he was awake Izzy?" He said, staring at his parapati's body on the bed.

"Well," I decided to answer. "He was, but he must have heard you coming. Can you really blame him?" Jace glared at me for a second before moving to Alecs side. "Dont wake him, blondie." I said in a warning tone.

"And why not?" A replied, now standing right in front of me.

"Because when I come back to life, the first thing that comes to mind is to get some rest. Clearly Alexander has the same idea." I replied in a snarky tone. With an angry sigh Jace left, dragging Clary by the arm. I looked at Isabelle who stared at me in astonishment.

"You shouldnt talk to him like that, you know." She said quietly, sitting on the edge of Alecs bed looking at me. I raised an eyebrow.

"And why not?" I truly didnt see a problem in it. Someone had to put him in his place.

"Because while he can be an ass sometimes, he still loves Alec. I know that he would still do anything for him, no matter what the consequences." Her words made me flinch. Though I knew she meant he loved him in a brotherly sort of way, it still made me a little jealous. Just then Alec began to stir. His eyes opened and he looked between Izzy and me.

"Hey." He said with a smile, though I didnt see the wording appropriate for the situation.

"How'd you sleep?" Izzy asked him, placing a hand on his knee. He shrugged in response.

"Are our parents coming?" He asked hopefully. I remembered the times they had come in here and questioned why I was there. I never answered. Just stared at the on I loves lifeless body. I looked at Izzy.

"They said they would come by later at some point." She told him shortly. Just then, as if on cue, the Lightwood parents stepped in. They looked from their son, to their daughter, and the to me. I gulped, then stood up to meet their gaze.

"I really should be going now..." I told them and started to the door.

"I dont think so warlock." Robert, Alecs father, said grabbing my arm.

"No. Nope. Of course not. Why not, exactly?" I said nervously. I looked at Alec who was pale as paper again, looking at me with worried eyes.

"Because, you never exactly told us why you were just sitting there by our sons body for over a week." He said angrily, tightening his grip on my arm. Maryse, Alecs mother, had moved to her sons side. I stared as she approached him like he had some sort of disease. I winced in pai as Roberts grip on my arm tightened again.

"Right, right, okay. My reason for being here. Well.... um.... that would be because..... um....." I started, but I was interupted.

"Because he brought me here. I asked him to stay right before I... did whatever I did, so that way he could help me get better." He said, never turning his gaze anywhere but on me. Maryse sat on the chair I had been in and stared at her son in amasement. I sighed a Robert released his grip on my arm. Where his fingers had been were now red bloches, most likely forming bruises.

"You, are not my son. I was there when Jace confirmed you as dead. I felt your last dying pulse. You are not my son." Maryse said. Both Isabelles and Alecs, and I am sure my, eyes widened as she spoke. Alec reached out to comfort her but she avoided it. She ran out of the room crying, Robert following close behind her. I turned to see Alecwide eyed and pale. Izzy's expression, though, was one of anger and rage. She stormed out of the room with fists at her side, and I returned to my place next to Alec.

"Thank you, Alec." I told him. He looked at me in astonishment.

"For what?" A smile played on my lips.

"I would surely be dead right now if I couldnt have thought an excuse to tell your father." I told him. He shook his head.

"If I could just tell everyone I was gay you wouldnt have needed an excuse." He said simply. His gaze was fixed on the floor. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Alexander, you camme back to me. Right now that is all that matters. Now if you would please lay back and sit still so I can heal you, that would be great." I told him. He smiled and then leaned back on his pillows.

"Sir, yes sir." He said in a deep voice making me laugh. Then I snapped, causing his old bloodied shirt to disappear. I leaned forward and began to heal his wound. Alec winced a few times, and after about 33 minutes the wound was completely healed with only a small circled scar to prove it ever existed. I snapped again and a new one of Alec shirts came on, and he smiled.

"Thank you for your services, Mr. Bane. You will be payed shortly and you no longer have to stay here. You are free to go." Said Roberts voice from the doorway. I looked at Alec sadly for a moment, and then stood.

"No pay is necesary, Mr. Lightwood. Consider it a favor." I said and left, pausing shortly to drop a note on Alecs lap. At the door I paused."And get some rest, will you Alexander. You really will need it." I said and left.


I picked up the note Magnus left me,after my father had left. He had managed to put it right under the hem of the blanket. Carefully, I unfolded the delicate piece of paper.


When you are up and on your feet again maybe we could go out to eat. I Really do apologise for just leaving, but your father would not have let me stay without an explenation. Text me, would ya? Heres my number: ***-***-****

XOXO, Magnus Bane.

I smiled as I read it. Then I quickly dug through my pockets to find my phone. It wasnt there so I frantically glanced around the room. Luckily, I found it on the teble beside the bed. I put Magnus' number into the phone and immediatly started to compose a text.

Hey Magnus. I am sorry my dad sort of through you out. And yes when I am on my feet I would love to go out to eat.- A

Once I was happy with the message I sent it. Seconds later my phone went off signalling I had a new text.

Its fine, Alexander. When and and where would you like to eat?- M

I smiled. Just then Izzy came back in the room. She looked at me sadly for a moment.

"Wheres Magnus?" She asked.

"Dad through him out..." I told her, not once looking up from my phone. She rolled her eyes as if she knew who I was texting and left.

How about tonight? You can choose the place, I dont get out often enough to know which ones are goog.- A

And it was true. The last time I had gone out, before I went with Magnus, was when I was 9.

Hm....tonight is good. 8 o'clock sound like a good time?-M

Yeah, 8 is fine. Where are we going?- A

Its a surprise darling. So sadly that means you willl have to wait and find out. ;)- M

Ugh, fine. Mind if I come to your place for a bit later?- A

As long as your parents dont show up with you, the sure. I really dont think they like me!- M

I am sure they will like you just fine when I tell them we are dating. I mean, who can resist not liking you?- A

I know right! When do you plan on telling them, just curious.- M

I didnt know how to reply to that one because I wasnt sure when I was going to tell them. I thought about it for a moment before receiving another text.

Stop worrying about it, Alexander. We can discuss it later.- M

Are you stalking me now or something?- A

Yes! Dont you do that?- M

No. Not exactly.- A

I am just kidding, darling! I am outside your window waiting for you to begin getting ready to come to my house.- M

Tht doesnt make it sound any less creepy, Mags.- A

Mags huh?- M

Oops... didnt mean to type that.- A

Alexander, I can feel your blush through the phone.I think its cute!- M

Sure you do Magnus. Anyways, I will be at your place in a bit.- A

Okay, see you soon!- M

Okay. Bye.- A

Ant with that I put my phone in my pocket and rushed up to my room. I quickly got in the shower to wash the blood off of me before I changed and then rushed out of the Institute. Before leaving I made sure I had my phone on me. I arrived at Magnus' flat in about 15 minutes because I ran the whole way there. I pressed the buzzer and waited.

"Who dare interupts tha Magn-" I Cut magnus' voice off through the intercom

"Magnus, just let me inside! Its cold." I snapped.

"Truly Alexander, you are being no fun." He said before buzzing me in. I ran up the stairs and before I even got the chance to knock on the door, it flew open. Magnus stood on the other side with new make up and new glitter on. He had on yellow skinny jeans and a lime green top. I glanced at the clock on the wall and it said that it was 2:45. Magnus stepped aside and gestured for me to come in. I gladly did. Magnus led me to the couch and we watched episodes of "Chuck", "Glee", and "American Idol". Before we knew it, it aws 6:30 and we were rushing to get where ever we were going in time. Magnus through a purple jacket over his shirt and ran out of the apartment, pulling me close behind. He hailed a taxi and shoved me inside. He gave the driver our address, being cautious so I didnt hear anything. I rolled my eyes and sat back. After a moment Magnus did the same thing and through an arm over my shoulder. After about five minutes the taxi came to a stop and I payed. Magnus put up a fight about it so I payed before he even got the chance. Then, before me was a casual french/italian resteraunt. I stared and awe and noticed Magnus watching me intently. Giving him a wide smile, I mouthed the words 'Thank You'.

Once we got inside I saw padded booths, dark oak tables, and even a bar. All of the seats were full though. I looked at Magnus who seemed unfased as he dragged me towards a door in the back of the room. Through there was an elegant rose garden. I smiled crept onto my face.Magnus turned to me and said, "I thought that you might like it better out here." I nodded my head as he led me to a table in the center of the garden. It was circular with a chair on either side of it. There was a white table cloth draped over the top and in the center was a burning candle. I got in my chair, and Magnus got in the other.

"I love you Magnus." Were the only words I could think to say.

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