2. Pervs

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~~~~~The picture up top is what Rosalyn wore to the meet and greet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When we walked in we were asked to go through security so that they could keep the Dolans safe.

They led us to a small room with four men , and we were asked to hand over our bags and to take off our phones cases and hand them over. While two of the men searched our bags and cases the others patted us down. While I was dressed a little revealing , that didn't give the security the rights to fondle my boobs or slap my butt. When we got our belongings back we both left and we were escorted to the line of girls waiting to see Eth and Gray.

We were given a ticket that said we had about three minutes with the boys and that we could take a maximum of 6 pictures. There were also rules:
No kissing(with the exception of the cheeks)
No slapping or touching  inappropriate places such as:
Lower region
As goes the same for the boys.

We had about a two hour wait to see the boys and while we waited we took a lifetime supply of selfies , and had a lifetime supply of laughs.

Time went by so fast I was stunned when I was greeted by Grayson's hand. I looked at he face and I just started crying and it was uncontrollable. He looked at me and told me to stop crying and that it would be okay. He was much taller than me and it felt nice to be engulfed in a hug from Gray. We were were taking pictures when he whispered in my ear:
"Your so gorgeous"
"Thanks , you look great too "

While taking the fourth photo gray touched my butt and I literally flipped. It felt as though  he stuck his hand in my back pocket but any ways. I took 1 picture with both the boys , 4 with gray , and 2 with Ethan. Before the lady watching us told me it was time to go Grayson grabbed my hand and told me again that I was beautiful and told me to check my back pocket when I got home. I gave him a hug and told the boys bye and all was good. Sparks  flew and all in all it was a great day.
Plus ..nobody noticed that I took seven pictures with the babes .😏😏

When I met up with Layla in the car she told me everything and I told her everything and she went basurk when I told her about what happened between me and Grayson.
"Rosalyn check your pocket !!" She screamed as though we were in an auditorium of hundreds of people.
"Okay okay"
And so I did and when I did I immediately grabbed my phone and dialed the number.

Sparks Fly  A Grayson Dolan Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now