Those words

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******Graysons POV **************

Text messages~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Hey just thought I would text you and see how your doing. I'll be over at over 5:00 with my suitcases and everything my flight lands at 4:30."-Gray
"Okay! I'm so excited to see you haha. So what time are we gonna go out ?"-Lynn
"Whatever time is good for you I'm down."-Gray
"5:30 sound okay?"-Lynn
"Sounds great see you then love."-Gray

"So this girl Rosalyn , yeah bro I'm staying at here place while we're in Orlando I met her at a meet and greet and she's absolutely gorgeous,"I said to Ethan as he was half asleep.
"Oh yeah the girl you talked to on the phone for an hour."
"That's the one,"I said chuckling
"So you don't mind bro , it's a whole week and a half ."
"Nah bro ...go get laid."
"Whatever weirdo ,"I said laughing.
For the remains of the flight Ethan and I slept and I dreamed about me and Rosalyn starting a family here in Orlando
When I woke up I decided to just listen to music until the flight was over. We had about 15 minutes left !!!

Rosalyn's POV

So while I waited on Grayson I decided to clean my apartment which was fairly big. There was a big living room hooked on to the dining room and the kitchen followed by a hallway with three bedrooms and two bathrooms
There was stairs leading to my photography studio upstairs in which I do my photography and editing. I cleaned up the whole house and it took me about an hour. So I decide to fleek up a little bit. I put on some dark lipstick and light foundation. I also put on mascara and tan eyeshadow

I was looking pretty fleeky in my messy bun , high waisted light washed shorts and my peach crop top. I looked good. I was feeling myself ....and then it happened.
I looked at the clock when I heard it ....the knock. I was straight up about to live with Grayson Dolan for a week and a half. (Vice versa) I straightened my shirt , fixed a couple pieces in my hair , and walked to the door.
"Rosalyn !!!"he said as he walked in and hugged me.
"You look great he said ," he said
"Thanks so much so do you ," I said freaking out on the inside.
"You can set your luggage in the room across from the bathroom in the hallway ."
"Okay I'm so excited for this week ."
I helped him with his luggage and it was about 5:20 so we just decide to go.
We went to the skating rink , and we did the couples skate which was kind of weird due to the fact that we aren't dating. Oh how I wish we were.....
*******Graysons POV********

After we skated I asked her if she wanted to go to the party Ethan and his buds were having ,and she agreed
Being the party was being thrown by people in college me and Rosalyn did get drunk

"Hey baby." I said to Lynn
"Hey sexy ."she said back pulling me closer.
"Can I be honest with you ," I asked
"Of course"
"I love you ."
"I love you too Grayson , let's go home ."
"After you ,"I said pushing her above me and slapping her butt.

Sparks Fly  A Grayson Dolan Fanfiction حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن