Another Surprise

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Oh my gosh baby yes  of course I will,"I said with a tear rolling down my  cheeks.

As soon as I said the word yes he put the ring on my finger and chanted  woohoo!! as loud as he could.
We kissed and went back home. We turned on Netflix and talked a little bit.
"Baby can you believe I'm gonna be a dolan," I said smiling.
"I can't wait to call you mine  forever and ever,"he said while we locked hands.

We watched a couple movies and then it was time to go to sleep.
My due date was in 1 week.
We are so excited.
"Happy Birthday Baby girl. I hope you like your present," Grayson said kissing my forehead.
"Baby I love it,"i said switching from forehead to lips.

We fell asleep and I woke up about 3 hours later.

"Grayson, Grayson wake up!!,"I said yelling and breathing heavily.

"What I'm awake."

"My stomach hurts so bad I can't breath. Babe it hurts so bad,"I said crying. holding her lips to her gums is to long and they're gonna have to clip it when they clean her up. She'll be okay and she'll look normal.

After the docter cleaned her up and got her weight and every thing they reassured the clips and said she is all healthy and her mouth is normal.

She is 6lbs 4 oz which is amazing because she had late development and she is 17 inches long. Her gender is confirmed female and she has no heart lung or any other vital organ issues. She is completely helyhey and i couldn't be happier.  They told us we could sleep and go home when we woke up. I woke up 2 hours later and it was 4 in the morning to the sound of bug crying.  Grayson shot up before I could to get her. He is the most helpful fiance ever.  I couldnt be any luckier. We went home and had alot of visitors. My mom, his larents ,Ethan, dannie , cameron, Bree and Jd....and my favorite visitor of all. My nest friend layla that i havent seen in 2 years. Ever since I've started a family we've sort of  drifted away. She went with me to the meet and greet and stuck by me.  She was my favorite visitor. 

"This parenting thing is hard work,"I said crawling into bed with Grayson.

"It sure is , but its all worth it because she looks just like you. Shes got your nose and your dimples."

"Well shes got your eyes and hair color. Shes equally beautiful."

" *yawn* im gonna go to bed," i said kissing Grayson.

"Me too baby."

I cuddled up to Grayson amd i was half asleep.

* screams wahhhh!!!!!*

"Ill get it," i said getting up.

Ob boy this is gonna be a long night.

Sparks Fly  A Grayson Dolan Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now