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Lynn's POV
When the boys went on stage I was so nervous for them. They started telling a few jokes and doing some silly dances when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"They make good boyfriends don't they," a blonde  headed girl said.
"Who are you," I said laughing.
"I'm Ethan's girlfriend," she said with a straight teethed smile.
"And you must be Graysons girlfriend,"she said happily.
"Yes I am , hi my names Rosalyn,"I said putting my hand out to shake hers.
"I'm Dannie,"she said.
"So why haven't I met you before,"I said confused.
"Probably because Ethan hasn't visited Gray much anymore since he's been staying with you *haha*."
"Oh well I'm sorry I didn't mean to keep them from each other,"I said.
"It's okay , wanna come for dinner tomorrow at my place around 5:45. Ethan's been staying with me for the past few days, I live here in Orlando,"she said.

"I would love to come over for dinner , I'll bring gray. And I live here in Orlando too. We should hangout sometime,"I said with wishful eyes
"Yeah we should,"she said smiling.

After our conversation we each turned to look at the boys and watch. After about 25 minutes of watching them , Grayson looked at me in assurance that he still knew I was there.

"So bro,you had some news to share? "said Ethan with a grin.

My eyes immediately shot up from its position in the ground and I gave the boys a death stare. Dannie looked at me with a grin as though she new what was about to happen.

"What's going on ," I whispered to Dannie.
"Just wait and see ," she said.

"Yeah man ,umm I actually not a single man anymore,"Grayson said.
"Ohhh what's her name ," Ethan said.
"Her name is Rosalyn and she is the absolute love of my life," he said , "and I want all you guys to meet her , come on out baby girl ," he said as he nodded at me in reassurance.

I slowly started walking out on stage , tears in my eyes , and my hands in my mouth.

Grayson walked over and hugged me tight .

"Guys this is Rosalyn and she is everything I've ever dreamed of.
She makes me smile and laugh all the time. She is the love of my life and she is everything I've ever wanted in life.
She makes me happy and I never want to be with anyone else but Rosalyn. I want to make a promise to Rosalyn.
A promise that I will love and cherish her for the rest of my life. I promise not to ever let anything happen to you . I promise to always let you know everything is going to be okay. I also promise to you that I will not let you think you are not beautiful , worthy , or important. Because in my eyes baby girl , you're beautiful worthy and very important to me. So Rosalyn will you accept all these promises  that I have made a wear this promise ring ."
He said getting on one knee and holding up a beautiful promise ring.💍

"Yes baby ,"I said with tears in my eyes.
After he put the ring on my finger everyone let out a few "awes" and some cheers for us. We stood there hugging for a good two minutes.
" I also have a new announcement ,"said Gray.
"I won't be staying in New Jersey after tour , I will be here in Orlando !!"

After the show <•><•><•><•>•<•><•><•><•><•>

" I love you baby," I said to Grayson as we were curled up against each other in my warm bed.

"I love you too baby girl," he said pulling me closer.

And with that , I fell asleep right in Grayson Bailey Dolans warm snuggly arms .

Sparks Fly  A Grayson Dolan Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now