Down the road

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*day after the wedding*

"Mommy," said Caroline with her sweet innocent green eyes.

"Yes bug," I replied back.

"Do I have to stay with Grandma  and Aunt bee (bree) ,"she said with her hands up in the air whaling.

"Yes sweetie me and daddy are going to Hawaii. We're gonna go on the beach and hang out at places. Mommy is even gonna bring you a special surprise."

"Reawy (really)," she said with her only two bottom teeth sparkling.

"Of course bug , and if youre lucky me and daddy will take you with us next time," I said squating down to her level. 

"Yay tank (thank) you mommy," she said followed with a hug.

I continued cooking dinner. I was making Spaghetti , Carolines personal favorite, and Im also baking a cookie cake.
Grayson was finishing picking up the living room because he was getting
just about as tired as I was on stepping on barbies and teethers.
He picked up the last toy and put it in Carolines small toy box in the living room.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"

"Caroline! Caroline! Caroline!"

He said running and picking her up tickling her and showering her with kisses. 

"I gonna miss this thing," she said grabbing his cheeks and smushing them together.

He laughed and looked me and I  laighed to. That was adorable!!

"Im gonna miss you to sis," he said setting her down on the couch beside him.

He turned on Peppa Pig (childrens show) and watched it with her.

"Okay guys your plates are made."

I picked up Caroline and put her in her high chair beside the table.

I grabbed me and Graysons plates and set them on the table. He sat down and scooted his plate to him.

"How was your day babe," he said staring at me with a grin.
It was like he was staring into something angelic.

"Good, Brianna and mom worked out the differences and so did Mom and I. I haven't talked to her in a while and apparently I have a stepdad."

"Your so hot babe," he said biting his bottom lips.

"Save it for Hawaii."

"I dont think I can wait that long," he said grabbing my finshed plate from the table and putting it in the sink

Me and Grayson havent done it for a year and 9 months (basically thats how old Caroline is) so umm I think we have some catching up to do in Hawaii.

"Hey sis are you done," Grayson asked Caroline. 

"Yep and it was delicious mommy," She said as Grayson laughed at her because she had sauce all over her.

"Im gonna go put her in the tub Babe," he said pulling the plastic part off of the highchair.

"Okay thanks baby. Im gonna clean up the kitchen and dining room then maybe if Caroline isn't crabby we can rent a movie," I said washing the last dish.

I put the left over in a bowl and put them in the fridge. Im only 19 and I feel like a 30 year old mother. I guess I took on the "30 year old mom" persona when I decided to take the chance with Grayson.

"Babbeee," yelled Gray from the bathroom.

"What Gray," I yelled back.

"I left the bathroom for two seconds and the bath water turned blue and pink. "

I ran up stairs and looked at the blue beads of water rolling down Carolines

"Caroline Ann Dolan did you get into to mommys bath bombs," I said trying to hide my slight smile before laughter.

"Yes mommy amd they smell reawy  (really) yummy," she said splashing thw water.

I looked Grayson and he was making the one face where he is about to laugh but doesn't. I started dying laughung and so did Grayson.

"Caroline you have to stay out of Mommy's stuff okay bug."

"Fine drama queen," she said picking up her rubber ducky.

"Okay sassafrass," I said snapping my fingers and grinning.

I washed her hair and got her dressed.  As soon as she was in her pjs she was sleepy.

"Mommy I'm tired, " she said holding her hands up signaling for me to pick her up.

I picked her up and made her a sippy cup with milk in it. I turned the light off in all the rooms but left the 3 lamps on that were in the living room.
We got a big blanket and pulled it over all three of us. Caroline climbed over from my lap to Graysons. Grayson was holdong caroline and I leaned my head on her shoulder and he leaned his head back over on me. He ended up picking out the movie The Office and before we played it Caroline fell asleep. This is the life.

Sparks Fly  A Grayson Dolan Fanfiction حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن