The News

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I finished talking to Dannie explaining why I'm upset and she understood.
I sat in front of the front door hoping for a nudge by it. I cried there.
Is he cheating.
Is he dead.
Is he mad at me.
What did I do to deserve this.
He told me he would be home.
It's 3 in the morning.

I looked down at me pregnant belly. What if this baby girl  has no father , or a stepmother. Rage over came me and I sat there crying punching the floor.

I woke up really late and Bree left another one of her "I'm gone" notes when I needed her the most. Grayson still isn't home.
Where is my baby.

His words from the beginning of our relationship floated in my head (chapter 8 , Positive)
*" and  baby if I get you pregnant you bet your bottom dollar I will be by your side through it all ," he said  ," I will love that baby like there is no  tomorrow  and don't you ever think I would leave ."*

He left , where is he. He said he wouldn't leave.

I need to get my mind off of it.

I poured myself some milk from the fridge and grabbed the Oreos. I know weird pregnancy craving right? Anyways I made my breakfast and walk to the couch and turned on the news like I do every morning.

*news reporter*

" this just in , a massive crash yesterday .
A driver named John Hensley pressed the breaks on the interstate while going full speed.The damage was done to three cars leaving 4 dead and 6 injured. The car behind Hensley's was sent airborne after hitting Hensley's car. The man and woman along with two children in the car behind him are in horrible pain. The woman was pregnant and was killed along with the oldest child Asher. The man is in the hospital in a medically induced coma and has no idea what's going on. The other child has a concussion a fractured skull and 3 broken vertebrae. The other child was asked not to be revealed  on television by the grandparents.
The car behind those people was smashed into Hensley's car. The people in that car was yes , Ethan and Grayson Dolan. Ethan is in the hospital with a broken arm , three broken ribs and , and his knee cap is shattered along with his femur bone. He is not in a coma , but he is but in pain meds that make him very sleepy. As for Grayson Dolan he is in a coma with two broken legs. They don't know when he is gonna wake up but he is not looking good and doctors say his heart is not beating at normal speed. The impact from the airbag bruised his lungs and he is on a breathing machine. Police say that he has a pregnant wife at home who doesn't need to know of the situation. They were told not to call her because her baby is not growing right and the stress could send her into premature labor. Same goes for Ethan's girlfriend Dannie As for the families ...we want to give our respects. Dave back to you."

I need to go to the hospital NOW!!!

*beep beep beep boop*
*ring ring*

" I'm sorry but the person you called is not available at the tone  please record your message when you are finished recording you may hang up or press 1 for more options"


*skip to the hospital*

There he was bloody ...he is dying.

Someone's shaking me ....
"Rosalyn wake up!!! Sweetie it's just a dream wake up," Grayson said shaking me.

I opened my eyes and I wasn't alone. I was warm staring into Graysons eyes.

It's just a dream. He's  okay.

He pulled me into his arms and he feel back asleep. I don't think I'm ever gonna fall asleep again.

Sparks Fly  A Grayson Dolan Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now