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*** "GRAY-SON." ********
Graysons POV
"What ," I said softly
She walked over to me whilst throwing the test in the garbage.
She sat on me and gave me a big long hug.
"Baby ....," she said ,"I'm not pregnant ."
"The test may be negative but I'm positive that was the scariest hour of my life,"I said while hugging her
We both just just sat there silent in fear for if the test really was positive. I mean what if it was . What would I have done. I'm not ready to be a dad or start a family.

"So what do you wanna do today ,"she said softly.
"Let's just  Netflix and chill  until my show , I bought you tickets and they said girlfriends can watch from side stage ."
"REALLY!!! "She said excited .
"Thank you baby ," she said grabbing me and  jumping  into my arms.
She gave me a big kiss which turned into a make out session  on the couch.
"God damn it I want you so bad ,"I whispered in my ear .
"I want you to baby," she said with lust .
"I'll be right back ,"I said smirking.
I came back five minuets later and I threw five condoms on the table and she laughed .
"We're did you get those ,"she said laughing.
"A mans gotta be prepared ," I said while straddling her.
"Babe I can't ," she said while  sitting up.
"Okay but why ," I said .
"Because ..... I -I just can't okay," she said her voice shaking.
She broke down into to tears and I engulfed her in one of my special Grayson hugs.
"Baby ,"she said
"Yes sweet angel ,"

"When I was 14 I was raped and got pregnant with my best friends baby , my dad didn't agree so he left and so did my mom . They thought that I was just a stupid little girl that had sex with her best friend but it wasn't that case  . I was at a football game at my old school and I told him I had to use the bathroom. He followed me in there and one thing led to another and I emded up pregnant from rape. No one believed and all my close family slowly started leaving me because they didn't agree. That's why I'm not sure in ready to have sex Grayson , I'm scared that if I end up pregnant that you'll leave just like my family did," she said between massive sobs.
" omg baby why didn't you tell me sooner , I wouldn't have had sex with you last night ," I said
"And baby if I get you pregnant you bet your bottom dollar I will be by your side through it all ," I said ," I will love that baby like there is no  tomorrow  and don't you ever think I would leave . I love you so much even tho we've only been dating for a couple days
"I love you too Grayson ," she said while I wiped the tears from here eyes .

By the way the baby died in her stomach so it was a miscarriage

Sparks Fly  A Grayson Dolan Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now