Paper Trials

128 4 14

Novel by solacing
Genre: Teen Fiction

Cover: The cover looks amazing. The lighting and picture quality are perfect. Who ever made the cover knew exactly what they were doing.

Summary: Your stories description is the second thing a reader notices (the cover is the first) so it's very crucial that your description provides enough information to draw the reader into the story but not too much that you ruin the story for them.

When I read your description I have to admit I was a bit intrigued. You managed to inform me about the main conflict in the story which is this secret life that Griffin has.

By providing me with the conflict I now know what to be expecting in the story which is what you want readers to know. So good job :)

Characters: The main character Aurora is original in her own way. I like the way she thinks and how you portray her as this girl who simply wants to disappear.

Griffin is a whole other story. His mysterious aura is freaking addicting. I already love him and I only read 5 chapters :D The way you describe him is mind blowing. I already want to further understand him.

You have many characters to describe and build but so far your doing it wonderfully. I feel like I know Aurora's siblings very well as well as Griffin's friends.

Plot: Okay wow... Your plot is amazing. I really enjoyed the encounter at the beginning of the story. The way you introduced a new character was brilliant. You had me screaming! Your transitions from topic to topic flow smoothly.

I also love how you change from character to character without actually pointing it out by writing something like, "Griffins POV" it makes this story feel unique and it fits it really well. I really enjoy all the insight into both of their minds.

I really enjoy how your having the characters go through huge events that normal people really wouldn't do. For instance when Aurora goes and finds Griffin at his house was shocking to me.

Grammar: You make my job WAY too easy. I read through the chapters very carefully and yet I coldn't find a grammar mistake.

I'm sure you have to have at least one hiding somewhere in there, but either I'm really blind or it's a small grammar that won't affect the flow of your story. 

*Future Me* Found One!! (Hey it's my job lol)

On chapter four you write,

"Uh, hey," Griffin said, his gaze darting from away from hers."

The first 'from' that you use in this sentence isn't needed there.

Extra Info You Might Want To Know (Not really):

Griffin's cat's name is freakin adorable.

Also most of the people in your story have some sort of blond color to their hair: Aurora, Hunter, Danny, Jax.

Also I strongly ship Griffin and Aurora.

Note from me!

Okay you are an amazing writer. Your descriptions are amazing and your story is so intriguing. I promise you I am not
sugar-coating this. I would strongly recommend this to anyone who basically likes to read. (It's that good!)

You might see me popping up on your notifications from now on because I plan on finishing Paper Trials, I need to know what happens!

If you have any questions feel free to ask me, I can be a bit confusing.

Until next time!! Peace!


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