Accalia - Anger, Gotta hate it.

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Chapter 2 (Being re-written)

Two hours later we came up to a massive house that was in the middle of a clearing. You could call it a mansion.

"We're here, Ace." I heard my mother say gently while turning off the car's engine.

My hands were still tied behind my back. Apparently my mum didn't trust me enough not to find a way out of the car. Yeah like I'd jump out of a moving car. Actually that sounds like fun. I might have to try that one day.

Anyway, the house was huge and looked like it was Victorian or something I don't know; all I know is that it is big and pretty. The trees surrounding it made it look even better.

"Whoa." Is all I said. I heard my mum chuckle quietly as she climbed out the car.

The front door to the mansion opened and my brother came out with a middle aged man right behind him. The man had short red hair, he was about 6 ft. and his eyes were dark brown and looked like they could stare a hole through a wall if he tried.

"Colin, long time no see." My mum said to the man as he and my brother came up to the car.

"Yes Cailean, long time no see." Colin replied pulling my mum into a hug.

Come to think of it they do look like each other. My mum was just the shorter girl version of him.

While they were greeting each other Caleb came up to my door and opened it. "Hey sis." He said with a smile on his face. I just glared at him as he pulled me by the arm out of the car, like I was being arrested or something.

"Someone's moody." Caleb said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and kept my mouth shut.

Caleb dragged me over to where my mum and Colin were standing and talking. "Can we untie you without you making a run for it Ace?" Caleb asked. This got the attention of 'uncle' Colin.

"Why would she run?" He asked my mum and brother who just shook their heads sadly.

"We haven't told her yet." They said at the same time.

"Oh. Well we'll have to tell her soon because it's coming." Colin said while turning on his heel to lead us into the mansion.

"What haven't you told me?" My curiosity won out in the end. My wrists were starting to ache from being tied together for so long. I tried to loosen the binds but to no avail they just seemed to get tighter. Great. "Untie me. I won't run."


When we stepped through the mansions front door I think my jaw hit the floor. It looked like one of those camping cabins except ten times bigger. The furniture looked sturdy and expensive. Everything was in earthy colours; browns, dark greens, light greens and so on.

"Wow." My eyes felt like they were popping out of their sockets. But I'm sure they weren't.

Caleb laughed while untying my hands and pushing me toward what I assumed to be the sitting room.

I heard multiple sets of footsteps making their way down the stairs that were across the hall from the front room. Deep voices accompanied those footsteps. I couldn't make out what they were saying but there was an exited tone to the mumbles.

The first person to enter was a guy the size of a house. Literally. I wandered how he even fit through the door way, which was larger than your average door. He had dark hair that was cut short but his fringe hung low and nearly covered his black eyes. He couldn't have been older than eighteen and he clearly worked out a lot because I could see the shape of his eight pack through his black vest top and his biceps looked like rocks. He was all round hot.

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