Accalia - Chapter 4

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"Did I just hear you right?" I asked Dolph.

He had been watching me, his eyes careful, as if he were waiting for a bad reaction. I wasn't that bad was I? To be honest I was just confused.

"Yes, you heard me right." he smiled at me, clearly happy with my reaction. I felt a small smile on my face.

"Right." I felt a blush creep up my face. His smile turned into a grin.

"You are my mate." He said still smiling but his tone was serious. How did he do that? "And I care about you." his voice matter of fact. "It may sound weird that I care for you so soon but that's how it works for male wolves. When you change you may feel something similar."

A frown spread across my face. I knew what a mate was but only in fiction terms. "What do mates do exactly?"

A huge blush appeared on his face. His eyes popped wide and he looked away.

I smiled. "Who would have thought...Dolph...blushing." I laughed.

He looked back up to me and smiled. "I love your laugh."

I smiled at him and was about to say something but the door flew open and interrupted us. Again. I might have to start getting locks for when I’m in a room alone with Dolph so people could stop barging into the room every time Dolph was trying to tell me something.

"Okay, Ace we need to talk." Of course it was Caleb who interrupted us. Dolph and I got up off the floor and sat next to each other on the sofa. Or maybe instead of the locks just kill my brother.

"About what?" I asked looking over to Caleb.

He sat on top of the coffee table facing me. "Your change is coming in three days and we want to prepare you for it." He looked at me more serious than I've ever seen him.

"Okay. Right. This is really happening isn't it?" I asked looking back and forth between Dolph and my brother. They both nodded. At times like these I really wish my dad was still around. I was a real daddy's girl. I felt tears fill my eyes but I didn't let them fall.

"Okay. Let's do this." I said accepting the fact that my life has officially changed and I'm not even sixteen yet. "What do I have to know?"

Dolph and Caleb exchanged shocked looks but shrugged. "We'll get onto that when you've eaten something. You also need to meet the rest of the pack."


Walking into the dining room I looked around. There was a massive dining table with about twelve chairs placed around it. The table was decorated with food. There were all kinds of food, I'm pretty sure if you named it, it would be there.

"ACE!" Megz ran up to me and gave me a crushing hug. "Are you okay?" She looked concerned but there was a flicker of fear in her eyes.

"I'm fine. What's wrong?" She always checks if other people are fine and doesn't normally worry about herself.

She shook her head. "Nothing’s wrong. Why would you ask?" I raised my left eyebrow. "What? Nothing’s wrong. Honest."

"Right." I said mentally noting to ask later.

The rumble of male voices made me turn toward the door that I had come through. I could feel the nerves bubbling in the pit of my stomach. Dolph came up behind me and put his arm around my waist.

"Ace, you need to calm, okay?" He whispered into my ear. "They won’t hurt you. I promise."

Just as I nodded my head as they came through the door. Two guys and a girl.

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