Chapter 2: Extra Security

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With Kensei at my side, I addressed my division as they stood at attention by the portal to the world of the living. Captain Hitsugaya and his squad congregated around us listening in on my speech.

"We have discussed at length the security detail we will be providing Captain Hitsugaya and his division. Lieutenant Hinamori and Fourth Seat Yoshida are currently handing out armbands and the itinerary for our assignment. You will all be divided into fireteams. You are responsible for your fireteam members which includes the members from Squad Ten. Everyone will heed orders from Captain Hitsugaya should he choose to give them, understood?"

"Yes, captain!" they shouted in unison.

"Excellent. The armbands that are currently being handed out should be worn on your arm at all times. It has your division number and fireteam number written on it so that your team members can identify who you are. We will be taking up residence in several vacant houses in the area; each fireteam will be designated their own house. If you have any questions, see me or the other lieutenants for details. Let's make this a safe and successful mission alright? That is all."

I stepped away from the crowd and took my place beside Captain Hitsugaya. Even if we weren't on good terms, I certainly wasn't going to let my division see it.

Suddenly the crowd began to separate, giving way to a person passing by. Judging by the little pink haired girl perched on his shoulder, I knew who it was.

I groaned inwardly. Why was it that when my days were bad, they were really, really bad?

"Captain Zaraki." I gritted my teeth.

"I've come to drop these two off," he jerked his head over his shoulder at the two shinigami following behind him.

"I didn't ask you to bring anyone." I folded my arms defiantly.

"You didn't, but he did." The little voice on his shoulder pipped up, pointing her finger at Captain Hitsugaya. I shot him an angry look.

"What makes you think we need them?" I challenged, keeping my angry face fixed on Toshiro.

Captain Zaraki feigned interest. "Please, anyone can see your squad is wet behind the ears, half of them haven't ever been in combat. They're untested. These two are seasoned soul reapers and make no mistake you'll be needing their help. Ikkaku, Yumichika, show these pups how Squad Eleven gets things done."

Propping his Zanpakuto on one shoulder, the bald shinigami regarded me with a sneer. I wasn't sure what it was that I did to offend him but he made not effort in hiding his distaste. Walking over to Momo, he snatched two armbands and tossed one to his companion; an oddly effeminate looking shinigami with longer lashes than I ever dreamed of having. The two made quite the pair.

My squad waited in silence, looking on with curiosity. I reminded myself that I was standing on ceremony. I couldn't deny them coming with us, doing so would only prove that Captain Hitsugaya and I were not a united force.

I plastered a fake smile on my face and addressed the soul reapers. "Although I know my Division is more than capable of handling this, I won't disagree with Captain Hitsugaya's decision."

The bald shinigami clicked his tongue. "Whatever, let's just get going already."

Momo came around to hand both Captain Hitsugaya and I an armband, offering me a secret wink as she melded back into the crowd. I glanced over at his armband and then again to mine.

Fireteam one, they both read.

I searched the faces of my soul reapers for my traitorous lieutenant, but she had the right amount of wit to hide from my view. I handed the armband off to Kensei, who tied it to my arm for me as I addressed the congregation once more.

Bleach: The Captain Part Two & Three, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now