Chapter 5: Shinigami Road Block

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If I had thought falling asleep was a challenge, waking up was proving to be a sport all its own. Warm rays of light hugged me, gently reminding me that I could stay asleep a little while longer. While it was comforting though, it was also alarmingly bright and try as I might, I couldn't fight the sunlight that invaded my eyes and forced myself to get up. I reached over, expecting to feel the familiar form of Toshiro, but found my bed woefully empty. The memory of last nights conversation ran through my head briefly and my brain quickly caught up with my body as I scrambled from the sheets. Throwing my robe on, I tied my hair in a messy bun and made for the front door. Throwing it open wide I ran. . .

right smack into a wall of chest.

"Going somewhere, Captain?" Kensei steadied me. He was looking just as bright eyed as I was, leaning heavily to one side, yawning long and dramatically for effect.

I shook my head, at a loss for words. Where exactly was I going anyways? I couldn't chase Toshiro down, he was probably already long gone. Even if I wanted to follow, there was the small matter of an impenetrable barrier blocking my way to the fake Karakura town. I rubbed my hand through the mess of tangles in my hair and blew out a sigh. Kensei cocked his head to one side, staring at the note I had jotted down on my arm the night before. Casually I let my arm drop and sidestepped him but without missing a beat he sidestepped with me. I moved once again and found my path similarly blocked. I shot him a glare that could only mean fuck off but Kensei pulled a piece of folded paper out of his robes and handed it to me, clearing his throat uncomfortably.

"So you've been ordered to babysit me, is that it?" I looked over the note and tossed it back at him.

"I've got no choice, orders are orders," he sighed. There was no question he didn't like it and I had a feeling I knew why. If he was stuck here with me, than he wasn't joining the fight with the rest of the Captains and Lieutenants, which meant. . .

"Where's lieutenant Hinamori?" I asked.

The hurt was plain in his expression.

"She's with the others, preparing for the fight." he said. It was obvious that he had it bad for Momo. 

Kensei politely looked away as a cool wind picked up, reminding me how little I was dressed. I wrapped my robe tighter around me, trying to find something to say to fill the awkward silence.

"I, erm, I should go and get properly dressed," I jerked my thumb over my shoulder.

He rubbed the back of his neck, his face turning a bright shade of red.

"I'll have a medic from the Fourth Division stop by and change your dressing." he turned away, giving me some privacy to retie my robe.

"Thanks Kensei. Get them to wait in the living room for me while I take a shower."

I shut the door behind me and leaned against it, letting the back of my head hit it with a thud. It shouldn't have surprised me that Toshiro was being over protective but this was going to make things a challenge. Regardless, I had to leave the Seireitei tonight and not even Kensei could stop me.

I pulled my hair out of the messy bun and worked my fingers through the knots. First things first I needed a shower and then, I'd start planning.

After a long shower, a new dressing and a clean set of clothes, I was feeling more focussed on the task at hand. Shrugging on my white haori, I sat on the edge of my bed and looked over at the mirror in the corner of my room. The person that stared back at me was tired and worn out, which wasn't far from the truth. I missed my brothers terribly and I was worried about Toshiro's safety and whats worse, I felt completely helpless to do anything about it.

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