Chapter 8: Pancakes and Half Truths

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Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I rolled over and found the room empty. Shamefully, I came to realize I had fallen asleep in Toshiro's bed and not my own. The rumpled blankets on my side of the room confirmed that he slept in my bed last night. But for some reason I had the oddest feeling someone else had been in the bed with me last night.

It had to be the stress. My brain was giving me a run for my money lately.

"Captain are you decent?" Momo knocked on the door.

Realizing I was pant less, I bunched the covers around my waist and invited her in.

"Kensei just got back from the Soul Society, and the Fourth Division wants your report from last night."

"Of course, I just need to finish it up," I grabbed the discarded book and paper from last night and found it filled out. I recognized the handwriting immediately.

"Never mind it looks like Captain Hitsugaya finished it for me," I said, handing it over.

She offered me a knowing look. "Captain. . . isn't that his bed you're in?"

"Huh, so it is." I played dumb.

She plastered a big goofy grin on her face and ducked the pillow that flew past her head.

"Get dressed, we're going for breakfast! Captain's orders!" She dodged another missile, closing the door quickly behind her.


I peered through the glass window to see if someone was going to answer the door.

"I'm not sure how we're getting in here. Yoruichi already told me Kisuke was running errands, who knows when he'll be back?" I sighed.

"How are we supposed to have a girls date if we can't get our guigais?" Rangiku moaned.

"Your guess is as good as mine Rangiku." I mumbled into the pane of glass. Suddenly the door opened inward and in the entrance was Yoruichi, sitting prettily in front of us.

"Can I help you three?" she inquired.

Rangiku clasped her hands together with glee. "Yoruichi you're a life saver!"

"How the heck did you open the door?" I said in astonishment.

"You'd be amazed at the things you can accomplish as a cat."

I knelt beside her and ruffled her ears. "We're just grabbing our guigais, do you mind?"

"Not at all," she purred.


I chose to use Kisukes room to get changed. It was simple little space, clean and organized but devoid of any family photos or knick-knacks. My heart felt for him. We seemed to be too alike in this way. He had a few books by his nightstand, nothing I recognized, but it was nice to learn a little about my brother. In the far corner of the room was a cat perch, fully equipped with a scratching post and feather toys. I laughed at the thought of Yoruichi using that silly thing.

He kept a floor length mirror by the door. When I looked at myself in my guigai I realized I had on an apron. Maybe Keisuke liked using the guigais for household chores? That seemed a little lazy to me, plus having a cook that looked like your sister making your meals? Scary. The real Akira was a terrible cook. Like create an epidemic kind of cooking. Thank god I had Murray to do that for me.

I riffled through a duffle bag of clothes Yoruichi had left me and found a suitable pair of grey skinny jeans, a fitted black t-shirt and plain sneakers. Nowhere it the bag could I find a jacket or sweater of any sort, though. I chanced a look in Kisukes drawers and struck gold. I fanned the wrinkles out of a worn knit green sweater and pulled it over my head. It was three sizes too big but oh so comfy.

Bleach: The Captain Part Two & Three, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now