Chapter 3: On the Eve of Battle

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Standing in the hallway of Captain Kyorakus office, Toshiro levelled a look that demanded an explanation. I wasn't prepared to answer him for so many reasons. First off, how much did he know about the nature of my injury? Did he suspect the visored to be behind it? More over, did he know I did something incredibly illegal by opening a gate to the Soul Society for a group of people who could be dangerous? 

I figured it was better that he didn't know anything at all. I didn't want a target painted on Yuki's back because if I knew anything about Toshiro, it's that he wouldn't hesitate to go after them for hurting me. If I was honest with myself and if I wasn't so injured at the moment, I would have already hunted Shinji down myself. That bastards number was up as far as I'm concerned.

"Toshiro. . ." I hesitated. How was I going to explain all this to him?

He nodded down at the bandages that bound my insides together. "How did this happen?"

"I don't. . . know really?" I shrugged. Way to think on the fly, I mentally slapped myself. As he sighed, I corrected my wording. "What I mean is. . . I didn't see it coming."

Okay that wasn't really a lie.

He eyed me suspiciously. "You didn't see the assailant or you didn't expect them to attack you?"

Damn it he was too smart. I looked into his cool blue eyes and felt a chill, this time he was really mad.

"I didn't see the attacker," I agreed instantly, it was better to lie than to tell him I had fucked up royally.

He nodded his head slowly, coming to some kind of realization. He glanced over his shoulder to a Shinigami I wasn't aware had been listening in on our conversation. If I had to bet, it was a member of squad two, probably sent to tail me and gather intel for Captain Sui Feng. I fought the immediate urge to go over say something to them, knowing full well it would just make my situation worse. Instead I changed my tactics and decided it was time to work on my acting skills.

I bent over and held my sides, groaning maybe a little too loudly. The effect was instant on Toshiro. He kneeled down and held my face in his hands.

"Akira are you alright?" He looked genuinely concerned.

I nodded feebly. "I think I just need to lie down for a bit," I said softly. I was fine-- in fact I barely felt the wound at all but I had to use the tools that I was given, especially if I wanted to stay under the radar. For now, that meant milking my injury for everything it's worth.

He grabbed my arm and hooked it behind his neck, holding me close to his side. As he wrapped his arm around my waist, the warm smell of amber hit me and I was reminded again how much I wanted to be with him. Even if he was mad at me. Even if it meant I had to let him take care of me.

"Take me back to my place," I whispered in his ear.

Something in his look made my knees weak and he tightened his grip around my side. Walking with a sense of urgency, I heard him make a sound that I almost didn't believe.

He growled.


I kicked the door shut awkwardly as he pulled my face to his, biting at my bottom lip as if we had just discovered each other. With greedy hands I explored the contours of his body, marvelling at the firmness of his muscles just beneath his robes. I desperately wanted to remove the barriers between us. I felt him smile into my lips as I tried to untie his robe. He grabbed my hands in his and held them to his chest as he continued filling his insatiable appetite for my lips. I pulled my hands from his grasp and made for his tie again but this time he stopped kissing and stepped back.

Bleach: The Captain Part Two & Three, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang