Chapter 15: Full Circle

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Writers Note: If you've read the prologue, omit this part if you want. If you haven't read the prologue, shame on you, read the damn thing now.

Flick, flick, flick. . .

I gazed up at the flickering light that had acumulated dead flies over years of neglect. The room its self reeked of mold and abandonment. Wallpaper hung in disrepair all around us, mold creeping out of the walls where they were exposed. The singular piece of furniture in the room was a mouse infected couch, exposing rusted springs that had long since pushed their way out of the upholstery.

The onslaught of rain battered the windows mercilessly reminding me of the moisture that was seeping through the musty old carpet where I currently sat, clinging to any surface it could find. I shifted myself for what seemed like the dozenth time, attempting find a dry spot.

Who's great idea was it anyways, holing up in here?

Oh, that's right. . . Mine.

Flick, flick, flick. . .

Beside me, Kensei flicked card after card against the wall, passing the time, same as me. I hated waiting games, and right now it was all we could do.

The door handle rotated, and I gripped the hilt of my sword tightly, preparing for the worst. Toshiro held his hand up, staying my hand.

His collar had been turned up against the invading wind which threatened to push its way into the house now. The door closed behind him, stopping the manic weather from invading the room and as he took a seat on the floor opposite us. He jammed his hands in his pockets and sighed.

Silence once again settled in the room.

I felt the urge to cut the tension I was feeling.

"Toshiro. . . any news yet?"

He chose not to look up, merely shaking his head in response.

"Do you think your plan will work?" Kensei adjusted the white haori around his shoulders, watching me intently.

Looking at him now, I was reminded of how silly he looked wearing my haori. The cloak was too small for his broad shoulders. I rubbed my fingers along the stitched repair in its side absently, removing my hand when Kensei didn't stop staring.

I busied myself picking at a fraying end of Kensei's lieutenant armband, which was now firmly affixed to my arm. I felt extremely uneasy.

Toshiro answered the question for me.

"It's the best chance we are ever going to get at catching that thing. It's already taken out how many of your squad, Akira?" he looked to me with sympathy.


"I'm not sure. . ." I all but mumbled, pulling at a thread I was worrying with my fingers.

Kensei slapped my hand away from the mess I had made, giving me a disapproving look. I folded my hands in my lap and began to compartmentalize the situation mentally.

Being a captain was an immense and awesome responsibility and with that responsibility came sacrifice. . . it was an understanding we all knew too well in our lives as Soul Reapers. If I couldn't handle the stress. . . then I should never have accepted my position in the first place.

Kensei cleared his throat, interrupting my brooding.

"Have we figured out where Peacock and Mr. Clean have gone off to?"

A smile tugged at my lips, betraying me. I tried to pass my amusement as confusion.

"Pardon me Kensei?"

Toshiro gave him the same confused expression.

"Peacock and Mr. Clean, I thought you sent them out on a patrol of the area about an hour ago?"

I had to think for a minute about who he was referring to when it dawned on me. "You mean Ikkaku and Yumichika? Oh lieutenant I really hope you aren't calling them that to their faces." I groaned.

I thought about the way Yumichika liked to strut around the house very much like a peacock. But Ikkaku. . . ?

"Okay I get Yumichika but I don't understand Mr. Clean, where's the reference there? I don't think I've ever seen him pick up a mop or broom." I scratched me head.

He pointed in the direction of the kitchen. "Check under the sink in there."

I pushed myself up off the floor, thankful not occupy the damp spot for at least a moment. Rummaging through the cupboard under the sink I found a singular bottle of floor cleaner. Examining the label closely, a bubble of laughter rose up from my throat. Whether it was the stress of the situation or the fact that I might have finally lost my marbles I just couldn't help it.

"Pffft hahaha! Kensei you're a-- hahahaha!-- horrible shinigami, hahaha seriously don't tell him that you call him that!" I held my side trying to keep my guts in place as I sat down next to Toshiro, handing him a towel I had found along with the bottle in question.

His features transformed from confusion to understanding to something I hadn't seen in what seemed like a very long time; he actually smiled! It really was something to behold. Somewhere deep down inside, I felt a warmth that washed over me and I knew, without a doubt, I would do anything for this man.

Toshiro set the bottle aside and towelled off his hair, giving him a dishevelled look that wasn't entirely bad to look at. I brushed a bit of his hair away from his face; it felt like such a natural thing to do. Toshiro watched me intently.

Across the room I could hear Kensei clear his throat uncomfortably, bursting our private bubble.

We sat again in silence, keeping to our own thoughts. A quiet drip, drip, drip hit the carpet where it was over saturated, seeping from the stained ceiling and reminding me that the weather outside wasn't letting up anytime soon.

What a mess we were in, I thought to myself.

Footsteps sounded near the doorway and a shinigami burst through, collapsing on the threshold. Blood and rain dripped from his chin, outlining a rather large gash on his forehead.

He fought for breath for a moment before giving his report. "It's as you said Captain Hitsugaya it-- it went exactly to the location you had marked." He tried wiping the blood from his eyes in futility.

"The rest of the patrol?" I managed, steeling myself for his response.

He shook his head.

"Ikkaku and Yumichika are in pursuit, but it got Hiroto."

The bottom dropped out of my stomach. I clenched my fists, trying to formulate a plan. Toshiro sensed my distress and placed a soothing hand on my thigh.

"We need to call back Ikkaku and Yumichika, and we also need to send someone for Hiroto. Is he still at the location we sent you to?" he questioned.

The shinigami nodded feebly.

I pulled out my soul phone and rapt a quick message off to Ikkaku and Yumichika and tucked it back into my robe. Making eye contact with Kensei I gave him a curt nod. We pulled our hoods up, consealing our faces and made for the door. I wrapped my rosy pink scarf around my neck and pulled it up over my nose.

Toshiro popped a soul candy in his mouth and followed suit. He removed his white haori, discarding on the floor beside him. Pulling out a soft green scarf, he covered his face and pulled the hood over his bright white hair.

"One last thing," I knelt by the shinigami and removed the white armband with Squad Fives insignia stamped on it. With deft hand, I fixed to Toshiro's arm and pressed it flat.

He grabbed my hand before I could remove it and held it in his.

"We can do this," he reassured me.

I honestly hoped he was right.

Bleach: The Captain Part Two & Three, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now