Chapter 6: Stealth 101

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I dropped the box on the couch in my living room and pulled out a random book just for show. Kensei leaned against the far wall, his arms crossed with his eyes fixed on me. I needed him to leave but I didn't know how to go about telling him without raising suspicion. I had some time on my side thankfully, being that it was only was only midday but his constant hovering was making it difficult to get anything accomplished.

After a long stretch of silence with nothing but the quiet ticking of my clock filling the void in our conversation, Kensei relented. "You got any food around here?" He grumbled.

I closed the book and tossed it on the couch. "As a matter of fact I don't, haven't had this place stocked since before we went the world of the living. Why don't you go and grab us something?"

Kensei eyed me suspiciously, which was probably because I sounded a little too enthusiastic just now.

"I'll make sure someone's nearby in case you need anything while I'm out . ." he said off-hand, but what he was really saying is don't you dare try anything, I'm watching you.

"You don't have to play nurse-maid with me Kensei, I'm a perfectly capable woman!" I feigned innocence and waved him off jokingly. Perfectly capable of sneaking out from under your nose, that is.

"Even so. . ." he looked at me meaningfully for a minute, letting the non-verbal reminder set in before he shut the door behind him.

The instant the door clicked shut I dumped the contents of the box on the floor and set about the task at hand. I thought back to the night I helped my brother with his equipment and repeated each of his steps as best as I could remember them.

Sliding my Zanpakuto out from under the couch, I assessed its state and decided to sort it out first. Using the lighter, I blackened its shiny hilt guard; Yuki had taught my that by using a flame, the metal could be tarnished enough to stop it from shining. I ran the lighter along every inch of the metal parts until I was satisfied it was done to perfection.

Next, I needed to disguise any bright colours that were visible. Searching through the pile, I found a pair of scissors and the cute black dress and quickly cut it to ribbons. Once I was happy with their size, I bound the case in the black cotton material, masking the rosy pink flowers the decorated the sheath of my sword. With the hilt I did the same, covering it completely in black and wrapping the final bits of material around the front of the hilt guard so that when I replaced my Zanpakuto in its case, it made no sound.

Next I stripped off my haori and robes, casting them aside to shrug on the hooded shirt and heathered grey jeans I had found. Once I had tied up my shoes, I pulled the second pair of black socks over them, not only to cover the white of the shoes, which was too noticeable at night, but to help muffle my steps just as Yuki had shown me. Any little trick he gave me was bound to help at this point.

The soul phone I had grabbed from the office received a treatment of black gun tape to cover the indigo glow it gave off and I set it to silent before putting it aside.

Using the same complicated braiding technique Yuki used to use in my hair, I secured my hair with an elastic while I riffled through my front closet. My hands found one of my favourite jackets, a black leather piece that had softened from use over the years, and laid it out flat on the couch. The leather gloves I had taken from my office were then stuffed into its pockets along with the soul phone. My sword completed the ensemble and I rolled them carefully together, replacing them under the couch for the time being.

Bleach: The Captain Part Two & Three, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora