Chapter 2: Pleading a Case

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Eyes from all around the room rested on me. I shifted my weight under my feet, which were quickly cramping up from standing at attention. One pair of eyes were beginning to affect me more than the others. Looking back at those blue eyes, I could see anger, fear and most importantly, longing.

I blocked out the part of me that wanted to go to him, focussing my attention solely on the shit storm that was about to hit me. Judging from that dirty looks Captain Soi Fon cast in my direction, and the fact that she wouldn't ease off her grip on my arm, I was in for a world of hurt.

How could a person harbor so much hate for another? What had I done to deserve this animosity from her? Moreover, how could the other captains seriously believe I'd gone against the Seireitei and collaborated with the enemy? It's no mystery why Keisuke abandoned the Soul Society so long ago. How could I possibly win a fight against a room full of people when one of them was betting against me? 

Even I was starting to feel ashamed of myself. I may not have helped the enemy, but I did open the gate for a group of unknowns. Your brother is part of those unknowns, I reminded myself. I just had to have faith that Keisuke knew what he was doing when he asked me to open that gate to let them through. I mean, he had to have a plan right?

Strangely enough, at that very moment, it was I who wished I had a plan. With the Head Captain standing directly ahead of me with his gaze fixed on me, I had a difficult enough time standing straight.

Captain Soi Fon stood at attention to begin delivering her report to the Head Captain as the other captains looked on in silence. Some looked curious and some looked angry. I wanted to appear unaffected but internally, I was screaming.

Captain Soi Fon cleared her throat and straightened the creases in her report. "Head Captain, our reports indicate that a portal to the Soul Society was opened at approximately 15:00 yesterday afternoon. At 15:10 Captain Hitsugaya responded to a distress call from Captain Urahara's phone. When he arrived on scene he found Captain Urahara with what appeared to be an abdominal laceration inflicted by a Zanpakuto."

When did I call Toshiro? I thought back to the incident. Shinji did pull my phone out and dialled a number before leaving me there. I guessed that call went to Toshiro... but why? Why make sure someone found me?

I hope you live, that's what he said.

The Head Captain nodded to Toshiro to continue with the report. He glanced over at me apologetically before answering. "As Captain Soi Fon already reported, I responded to a call from Captain Urahara saying she had been injured. She mentioned something about an Espada attack but nothing further. She was unconscious when I found her and I don't believe she opened a gate as her Zanpakuto was sheathed. In my opinion, she would have been incapable of opening one in her condition."

Captain Soi Fon snorted. "That's speculation, Captain Hitsugaya. The Second Division has also found large energy readings that spiked at 15:00 yesterday afternoon, confirming that she opened a gate at that time, which only further confirms our theory that she's working with the enemy." She shot a triumphant look at me.

Captain Kyoraku stepped forward.

"Do we have proof or witnesses that Captain Urahara opened a portal to the Soul Society, Captain Soi Fon? Or a thorough analysis of the energy reading you picked up?"

"No," she gritted her teeth, "but I hardly see why that matters. We have enough proof that she's guilty."

Captain Kyoraku offered up his classic lazy smile. Walking up and down the aisle of captains, he tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Is it true that the Second Division monitors the comings and goings of Soul Reapers through the Senkaimon?" He looked at Captain Soi Fon expectantly.

Bleach: The Captain Part Two & Three, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now