Chapter 16: Seeing Ghosts

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Fighting our way through the torrential downpour, we raced through the streets of freezing rain. Within moments I was soaked through to the bone, wiping water from my eyes in order to be able to focus on my direction. The only audible sound was the occasional splash from one of our hurried footsteps as we flash stepped, silent as assassins.

I had Murasames blade tucked neatly to my side, out of sight, in case he was needed. If anyone was going to kill this hollow, it was me.

Toshiro was unrecognizable without his captains cloak or his hair showing; it was like he had been stripped down to his basic element and he effect made him lethal. His brow furrowed against the wind and he chanced a quick glance at me he held out a cautionary hand, signalling me to stop.

We dug our heels into the ground, ceasing our movement, while Kensei dashed out into the field alone. My stomach twisted uneasily. I was feeling anxious and Toshiro could see it. He stayed my sword hand, silently reminding me to calm myself.

Toshiro and I crept along in the bushes, keeping within a stones throw reach from Kensei at all times. Aside from the prone form of Hiroto, the field was devoid of life. I cast a worried look to Toshiro.

He waved his hand quickly, beckoning me to get lower. A sick feeling washed over me, the same feeling I had every time I went to the warehouse. It felt like something bad, something not right. Without looking I knew that the hollow had appeared.

Clad in a black ragged cloak and equipped with the telltale white mask, the enemy seemed more human than monster. It gripped the handle of a rusty sword, tapping it methodically against it's leg as it stalked its way towards my imposter. I could see the tension building in Kensei; his shoulders stiffened visibly and he kept hovering his hand over the hilt of his zanpakuto.

The hollow broke its silence.

"Finally I've found you, your an illusive shinigami Captain Urahara."

The hollow said my name with familiarity and it struck my that its voice, although muffled, was also familiar. I shot a look at Toshiro as panic settled in. There was no way Kensei was going to keep up his ruse, we looked nothing alike and we definitely sounded nothing alike. I was a bundle of nervous energy, gripping my sword with a force so great my fingers hurt.

"I'm a little confused. You're too tall to be Akira and your way too bulky. What's with the dress up?" it tilted its head, regarding Kensei with a measure of curiosity.

"What do you want with my captain?" Kensei ground out bitterly, giving up the ruse.

"Well that's between me and her. Where is she?" The hollow surveyed the field, shaking its head in disappointment.

"Nowheres near here. You won't be going anywheres near her." he growled.

"And why's that?" It mocked.

"Because you'll be dead." Kensei leaped into the air, bringing his blade down on the hollow. Without even flinching, the hollow parried with its own rusty blade, using one hand to defend its self while the other fought to keep Kensei back.

Metal clanged on metal as the two danced around each other, neither one of them willing to give an inch. I desperately wanted to do something. Each time I looked to Toshiro for permission, he held his hand out, telling me silently to be patient.

The hollow went on with its relentless pursuit, slashing and slicing this way and that. To my relief, Kensei was having no issues dodging the attacks.

Yoruichi nestled herself onto my feet and watched on with us, keeping her voice low.

"There's something wrong about that hollow," she voiced my feelings.

"I know, I've got the sense that something isn't right," I whispered, barely audible even to myself.

"Do we know why it's here?" she asked.

I shook my head. "The only thing we do know is that it's after me."

Kensei parried another attack weakly, his breathing becoming laboured. I rubbed the hilt of my blade with nervous energy, barely holding on to my willpower.

The hollow stopped its onslaught, giving Kensei a moment to catch his breath.

"This isn't getting us anywhere, you and I both know it. Just tell me where she is and I'll let you live." It circled Kensei like a predator ready for the kill.

Holding his blade aloft, he readied himself. "Like hell I would," he spat.

"I don't want to kill you," he shrugged, "but you're in my way so you leave me no choice." He flicked his blade and charged once again.

Kensei swung his blade and with one clean slice, he cleaved the mask from the hollows face, revealing the face behind it.

Kensei froze where he stood.

I wiped the rain from my eyes to get a better look and was instantly sick.

"Akira?" Toshiro whispered urgently.

I doubled over onto the ground, staring dumbly at my hands, trying to process the face I had just seen. I pulled at the grass, trying to work through and comprehend it all. Tendrils of a memory locked away deep inside me tugged at my heartstrings.

"There's no way. It can't be. Tell me I'm not seeing things, Toshiro." I gasped, tears threatening to take over.

"If I wasn't seeing it myself, I wouldn't believe it." he sounded as confused as I felt.

The all too familiar voice, no longer muffled by the mask, taunted Kensei. "See, now that's not cool, this was supposed to be a surprise for Akira and you've gone and ruined it." He discarded the pieces of his broken mask and took up his blade once again.

Before he could take another swing at Kensei, I broke my cover, running into the ensuing melee. Drawing my zanpakuto, I connected with his blade, deflecting the blow meant for my lieutenant.

"Who the hell are you?" the man grunted, stepping back from my rage.

It had been over fifty years since I'd seen him and nothing could have prepared me for this kind of reunion. 

Lasting memories of pain and death were all I had left of him. Somehow, unfathomably, he stood here now, the same dusty blonde hair, the same soft grey eyes.

I yanked the scarf from my face. "Yuki, it's me."

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