Chapter 24: Not Really Dead

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From my vantage point in the tree line I waited impatiently for the others to arrive. Kisuke had told me minutes ago that the visored would meet me shortly after I arrived at our muster point. The plan required specific timing and it had to be just right. How Kisuke had explained it to me was that when the Captains opened the gate on their end and I opened the gate on my end, the visored could slip into the Soul Society unnoticed. Given that the visored weren't common knowledge to the Thirteen Court Guard Squad, I could see why secrecy was of the utmost importance.

What was really worrying me was their plan after they entered the Soul Society; I really wished Kisuke could have explained that to me. When he spoke to me just now I had a feeling he wasn't able to tell me much more. I would just have to get the rest of the story from him later.

Overcast skies made the view cold and desolate from where I stood. The occasional gust of wind nipped at my arms and neck reminding me I was underdressed for the weather. I reflexively rubbed my arms to keep warm, forgetting the long gash on my forearm that was now burning from my touch. Gritting my teeth, I re-wrapped the bandage around my arm and tucked my hands into the folds of my robes for warmth.

"What the hell is taking them so long?" I groaned, slumping against a tree.

Out of the corner of my eye I realized I was no longer alone. Leaning against a tree beside me a familiar face smiled back. His messy hair was now combed neatly. It was pulled back into a bun that made his features seem more severe but exposed his bright grey eyes. He donned a set of green robes complete with wooden clogs that I had to guess came from Keisukes place. Wearing a lopsided grin he gave me a look of admiration only a brother could give.

"Kiri," his voice cracked. I scrambled across the ground until I found myself in his arms. Warm. Safe. I had forgotten what his hugs felt like. Before I could get too comfortable, I looked him over quickly, reassuring myself that he was really there.

A fountain of words bubbled out of my mouth.

"W-when did you wake up? How are you feeling? Are you upset?"

He covered my mouth with his hand to stop me from word vomiting. He waited for me to calm down and once he was satisfied I wasn't going to explode, he removed his hand.

"To answer your questions: a few hours ago, I'm well and why would I be upset?" I think he meant to sound serious but his cheeks betrayed a smile.

I stared at him in astonishment. "Keisuke and I both did horrible things to you, how could you not be upset?" My heart squeezed uncomfortably saying it.

The lighthearted look on his face faded momentarily and I knew exactly how he must have felt. Quickly though, he threw his facade back up before I could comment.

"The visoreds gave me the run down on everything that happened. Keisuke used his best judgement so I can't fault him for that, I probably would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed. Besides that, there's no way you could have known that taking Murasame would have done this to me. I'm just happy he was there for you when I wasn't able to be."

I tried to hide the hurt I was feeling, he was being too reasonable about the whole situation. He should have been angry or unforgiving or at least something other than happy.

What the hell?

I pushed against his chest to give myself some mental breathing room.

"Yuki you should be upset with us. What we did, even though we didn't mean to, was so selfish! You must have gone through hell these last fifty years and what was I doing all this time, huh?" My vision blurred around the edges which only added to the anger I was feeling for his sake. If he couldn't be mad about it, I sure as hell was.

Bleach: The Captain Part Two & Three, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now