Chapter 4: Small Talk

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The relentless beep of an alarm roused me from my sleep. I squinted my eyes, debating whether or not to beat it to death. Toshiro stirred in the bed beside me, sticking his hand out of the blanket to find it. He slapped it, shutting it off, and crawled out of bed. I quickly pulled the sheets up over my head, deciding to wait until he left before getting up.

I watched from a small opening in my covers as he walked over to my bed, stood in front of it for a moment before he changing his mind and left the room instead. I waited with agonizing patience for almost twenty minutes before quietly getting out of bed. I grabbed my toiletry bag and snuck out into the hallway.

I could hear a few voices coming from the kitchen as I slipped into the bathroom and the welcoming heat of a well-needed shower.

I towelled myself down as best I could and reached for the clothes I had hung on the hook behind the door. My pyjama pants still hung from the door, but my shirt had strangely disappeared. I jammed the toiletries back into their case and marched back to our room, not really in the mood for games today.

My robes had vanished from the floor where I'd left them last night. I tossed my bag on the floor in a fit of rage. Fisting a handful of towel up around my chest I stomped into the kitchen ready for a fight.

Ikkaku and Yumichika lounged in the dinning room, sipping their tea without a care.

"Alright which one of you took my clothes?" I tapped my foot impatiently.

They continued to sip their tea as if I hadn't spoken.

"Seriously guys, pissing off a captain is the last thing you should do." I could feel my temper rising.

"I haven't the slightest idea where they are, do you Ikkaku?" Yumichika hummed.

Ikkaku shrugged. "Not our responsibility to keep track of your clothes. You should hurry up though, or you're going to be late."

I took a quick glance over at the stovetop clock to confirm what he said. Shit. I didn't have time to play games. I made a mad dash back to the room and scrambled my brain for an idea. Grabbing the spare robes from Toshiro's duffle bag, I put them on.

It would just have to do.

I shouldered my Zanpakuto and dashed out the door, running full tilt in the direction of Kisukes house.

So what if it was his clothes and big deal if the Haori had a ten stamped on it instead of a five. If my squad couldn't figure who their captain was by now, I had a much bigger problem on my hands.

I burst through the door, interrupting the conversation Toshiro and Kisuke were having. Toshiro gave me a cross look.

Momo stifled her laughter with her hand, trying to recover her composure.

I rolled my eyes. "Long story and not worth explaining right now. I'm sorry I'm late, I promise it won't happen again."

"As I was saying before Akira made her grand entrance, we're going to need four fireteams working at all times. Who will work and when will be up to you two captains. I have the materials needed to construct these pillars; once Captain Hitsugaya hands out copies of the blueprints I gave him last night, we can begin. We've already noticed an increase in hollow activity overnight so it'll be imperative that your squad keep on top of them Akira."

I nodded and gestured for him to continue.

"Alright then captains, I suggest you get to it. There's a feature on your soul phone that allows you to track the location of other soul phones; it will show you the whereabouts of any squad member currently also in possession of one."

Bleach: The Captain Part Two & Three, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now