Chapter 7: Demons

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The next two weeks passed by with relative ease. I attempted only once to talk to Kisuke about the warehouse, but Yoruichi turned me away; apparently, he had left things in our care on the third day and went away to run errands. I took it as a sign to let it go for now and focused my attention on my squad. Momo, Kensei and I decided to take over periodic patrol shifts to help boost morale. I saw it as a bonus to relieve the boredom of being cooped up in the house all the time.

The weather was unseasonably warm, turning what would have been flurries into a constant downpour of rain. I sent word back to the first division for hooded robes, even choosing to wear one myself. I decided to keep my haori tucked away in my bag when I went out; there was no need for me to wear it when I was on patrol.

It may have also become my favourite piece of clothing.

Things were moving along like clockwork with Keisuke's plan. If we kept on schedule, the construction would be completed in a few more weeks, as long as there were no other incidents.


I flicked the corner of the newspaper down, eyeing Yumichika suspiciously. He leaned against the kitchen counter, balancing a compact mirror on his palm and began preening himself with a pair of tweezers. I looked around the room at other people situated at the table.

Toshiro had his back to everyone, engrossed in a book.

Momo swept the floor, humming a little tune to herself.

Rangiku stared off into space, twirling a lock of hair around her finger.

I folded the paper and discarded it on the table, turning my chair to face the pretty boy.

"Yumichika, why do you smell like vanilla?"

He continued to pluck. "I like the smell, why?"

I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair. "If memory serves me right, and it usually does, Rangiku uses a strawberry body wash and Momo uses that nasty bar soap. . . And as far as I know, none of the men here use vanilla body wash. Am I right?"

"Correct." He agreed with my assessment.

"Then why do you smell like my body wash?"

"I like it better than the others. Plus your loofah works wonders on my skin."

I flipped my shit right then and there.

"OH MY GOD HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN USING IT FOR?" I tossed a half-eaten bagel at his head.

He gave me a pained look. "If you didn't want me using it then you shouldn't have left it in the bathroom in the first place."

I threw my hands in the air, punctuating my frustration. "What the hell Yumichika? I leave my toothbrush in there, do you use that as well?"

He scrunched his nose. "Don't be gross captain, that has been inside your mouth."

I all but jumped from my seat to clock him one when the phone in my pocket beeped.

Captain Hitsugaya flicked his open and the same time and gave me a look.

Fireteam four is down one in the eastern sector.


I snatched my Zanpakuto off the table and followed the captain into the rain.


The scene was all too real. The prone form of a shinigami lay in the alley with what appeared to be a significant gash in the back of his head. The rain, mixed with the blood oozing from the wound, made a sizeable pool around him.

Bleach: The Captain Part Two & Three, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now