Chapter 8: Destination by Moonlight

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Kensei and I took off into the trees at breakneck speed, doing our best to keep as much distance between us and our pursuers. I'd given Kensei directions to our destination and sent him off with a quick nod. He dug his heels into the ground and changed his course, breaking tree branches and stirring up tracks that were easily identifiable as he disappeared from view.

I, on the other hand, continued on towards my old home, keeping my tracks to a bare minimum. Even though Kensei was leading them away from me, I didn't want to leave things to chance. I hopped on rocks and skimmed across tree branches in an attempt to disguise my movements. The trees gradually thinned out and I was beginning to recognize the area I was in. 

Just a little further, I thought to myself. 

 Ahead, the moon peaked through the break in the trees and I could make out the crumbled infrastructure of my old home. The moon reflected off the snow covering the fields around my home, making the area that much brighter. I came to a halt at the edge of the tree line and checked my watch.


Would she be waiting for me by now? I waited a few heartbeats, wavering between staying hidden and leaving the cover of darkness. The moon really wasn't doing me any favours tonight. It was too bright in the sky and if I took the chance and ran to the house, I risked being spotted. Throwing caution to the wind, I pulled my hood up to cover my face and stepped out into the field.

I ran as quickly as my legs would take me and made my way around the backside of the house. It was no good though, if I didn't find shelter somewheres nearby, I'd still be spotted. I rummaged around until I found a faded blue door peaking out from under the rubble. The root cellar was intact at least and would serve my needs for the time being. I sent a message to Kensei, letting him know where he could find me once he lost our followers. Kneeling down, I removed the scrap wood that was piled on top of the door to the cellar and wrenched it open. 

This really was the best I could hope for. If anyone from the Second Division was nearby, I could easily pop into the cellar and conceal myself from them. If I was lucky, they wouldn't search too hard but on the other hand if they did, I was so screwed. I sat on the frame with my feet on the first step leadingdown and jammed my hands in my pockets. Now all I had to do was wait.

I checked my watch once, twice and then three times, wondering how long I needed to wait. Now that I had been sitting here for quite some time, it was getting harder and harder to stay warm. 

My phone lit up with a message from Kensei letting me know the Second Division was no longer following him and that he was heading to my position now. I tapped a few words and hit send. As I went to tuck my phone away, I heard someone approaching from behind me. 

Their footsteps told me it wasn't who I was expecting, so I quietly slipped further into the cellar before looking to see who it was. Peeking from around the opening of the cellar door, a young woman stood over it facing me. Her hair caught in the moonlight, giving off the bright maroon shade it had. She was petite, wearing a white scarf that covered half her face and an orange jacket that looked too thin for this climate. At least from her attire I could assume she wasn't part of the Second Division. She made no attempt to talk. instead, she appeared to be scanning the fields. I wondered why she wasn't addressing me, was she not aware of me?

As if she could read my mind, the woman made eye contact with me and reached inside her jacket. My hand flew instantly to the hilt of my sword but the woman pressed a finger to her lips, indicating for me to be silent. Quickly, she removed an object from her jacket and threw it to me. Kneeling next to the cellar doors, she winked and closed them over, concealing me within. 

Bleach: The Captain Part Two & Three, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now