Chapter 14: Volunteers

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Motivated by Kenseis grisly discovery, Toshiro insisted we abandon our headquarters to find a safer location for briefing; he wasn't willing to risk the chance the hollow knew the location of our base camp. Instead, he chose to set up an impromptu meeting at a new hideout that reeked strongly of mildew and mothballs. Times were desperate, complaining about new our accommodations was at the bottom of my list of priorities.

In the dank living room, we were crammed together like a can of sardines. Four of my squad members volunteered themselves to aid in our plan and although I was uneasy about the idea, there was no way around it.

We had assembled our lieutenants, Ikkaku and Yumichika as well as the four squad members for a quick briefing. I observed the actions of the others in the room;

Ikkaku rubbed a whetstone to his blade, testing the edge with his thumb every so often. 

Yumichika was next to him, fussing with his outfit in the dirty reflexion of a cracked mirror on the wall. 

Momo had a death grip on my arm and although I was all together losing the feeling in it, I let her ease the stress the only way she could.

Kensei stood on the other side of me, stoic and tense.

Toshiro pulled the cap off the marker in his hand and starting drawing something on the grimy old wallpaper in front of us. When he turned around, something changed in him. I've never truly had the chance to see Toshiro as a Captain, taking control and leading his men. Now that I watched him here, I found something more to love about him. He was calm and to the point, giving orders in such a self-assured manner that even I was ready to follow him into battle. 

Toshiro talked at length about his plan, looking to each person before resting his eyes on me. His eyes softened a little as he continued his speech.

"We need to use this hollows strategy against it. If it wants to lure out Captain Urahara, than we'll lure it out. Thank you again to those who volunteered for this mission; please understand the gravity of what's happening here today, there's always a risk involved." His lips pressed into a thin line and I could tell he was chewing his lip nervously. He jammed the lid back on the marker and pointed to the map he had drawn, recovering his composure.

"What I've marked here is the location we are currently at. To the north of us, roughly five kilometres, is a soccer field which is where you four," he pointed to the volunteers, "will come into play. Two of you will be wearing your armbands and walking the streets nearby, spreading a rumour about Captain Uraharas plans to hold a ceremony for the deceased. The other two will be at that field waiting to see if the hollow takes the bait. Signal to one of the lieutenants who will be disguised in their gigais, and the rest will be up to us. Captain do you have anything to add?" He turned his gaze on me, expectantly.

I was feeling at a lose for words, I hadn't prepared any kind of speech. One reassuring look from Toshiro reminded me to speak from the heart. 

"I can't begin to put into words what you are about to do here today, it takes bravery and a lot of courage to do this. Let's make sure our comrades did not die in vain."

I grabbed the armbands and tied them personally to each member, thanking them and saluting them before they left. I froze as I went to tie on the last armband, realizing for the first time that it was my Fourth Seat, Hiroto Yoshida, standing in front of me. He was different now. Gone was the stammering and the panicking. In its place, he wore a serious expression that told me he was ready and willing to put his life on the line.

"Fourth Seat Yoshida, it's been an honour."

For the first time ever, it was my turn to bow to him.

"Captain, the honour was all mine." he saluted smartly, leaving at once to carry out his mission.

I extracted myself from Momos grip and ran for the nearest room. My shoulders heaved uncontrollably as I tried and failed to control myself. Tears blurred my vision and stained the front of my robes. I kicked the wall in frustration, angry with myself for being so weak.

Toshiros arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me into his embrace. 

"Why the tears?" he asked quietly.

"I'm upset Toshiro. I'm upset because I'm basically sending my men off to die and I'm upset because I'm too weak to handle it."

"That's not true."

"It is! Have you seen yourself when you're up there, giving out orders? You're incredible, you know what to say and how to act! I can't even hold myself together for a simple goodbye."

He held me at arms length and looked me in the eye. "The only reason I knew how to act is because I've been doing this for a long time. I've lost people, same as you, and the poise you say I have? You weren't awake to see what a mess I was when I thought you were dead. Trust me there was absolutely no composure there."

I saw the hurt in his eyes. He was right, I couldn't imagine what it must have been like to see me in that condition. I wiped my eyes and offered him a tentative smile.

He brushed one last tear from my cheek and leaned his forehead against mine, breathing me in.

"Things will be different this time," I whispered.


"Absolutely not! no way, out of the question." I crossed my arms defiantly. If they thought I was going to agree to this, they were dead wrong. They had no clue who they were dealing with; I was a champion when it came to being stubborn.

"You have to understand that someone needs to be decoy, and Kensei is a willing volunteer." Toshiro tried to rationalize it to me.

"That's like leading a lamb to slaughter, Toshiro! Are you nuts? Putting a captains cloak on him would be like painting a bullseye on his back." I punctuated my frustration by waving my hands in the air like a lunatic.

"We've got no other option," Kensei spoke up. "I can disguise myself well enough and the hollow will see nothing but the cloak. By doing that we'll be able to ambush it by drawing it out."

The other lieutenants had already left to take their positions so I had no one else to back me up. With no other defences, I conceded to them. If I couldn't win this argument at the very least I was going to barter.

"Fine, but on one condition." I eyed Toshiro, waiting for his reaction.

He sighed. "What condition is that?"

"You and I escort him," I held up my finger to silence his protest, "also disguised."

He seemed to think on it for a moment. "Okay then. I'll grab my gigai and make a quick round and then rendezvous back here."

"We'll stay here and hold down the fort." I said in mock seriousness, mostly because there was a bit of irony in calling it a fort; I mean the house was practically falling apart around us.

Toshiro smiled, getting my humour.

"I'll leave you both to it then," he made to leave but then thought of something more to add. Roughly grabbing me by the collar, he pulled my mouth to his and reminded me of everything I had worth living for. He pulled away too soon and was out the door, just as the rain began to pour.

Kensei said nothing, or thought better than to say something about it, so I let us fall into an uncomfortable silence. He pulled out a deck of cards and slumped onto the floor and started flicking them at the wall, filling the void where conversation couldn't.

And so we waited.

Bleach: The Captain Part Two & Three, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now