Chapter 17: Family Matters

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"Akira," he breathed.

Yuki lowered his blade, taking me in. Fifty years hadn't changed a single thing about him. He towered over me, lean and muscular just as I had remembered. The easy smile he always had was replaced by a reserved look, and even though he'd stopped his attack, he kept his sword at the ready.

I was wrong on my initial assessment, something had changed in him.

He's killed six people, I reminded myself. I tried to shake the thought from my mind. My brother would never do such a thing.

Maybe it was something else that killed them?

I was disgusted at myself for even considering that option. He did kill, and I couldn't be sure he wouldn't do it again. My brain fought with my heart, struggling to pin down an answer that would satisfy both.

The tension was palpable.

I thought of the only thing I could say to him. "You've killed six of my men." I kept my tone of voice level.

His face changed from reserved to desperation. He reached for me with his hand, but I took a careful step back, keeping some space between us. He let his hand drop by his side.

"Akira that was an accident. I never meant to kill anyone, honestly. I just wanted to find you." he smiled, but the expression didn't reach his eyes.

My brain scrambled his words up and all I felt was confusion. I wanted to believe him, but something deep inside of me wouldn't allow it. The uneasy feeling I had wouldn't leave, no matter how much I tried.

"Akira don't listen to him." Toshiro shouted. Yuki took up his sword again, eyeing Toshiro with contempt. I side stepped quickly, blocking a path between the two men.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose, trying to sort out the conflicting thoughts running through my head. Yuki was a kind soul, a thoughtful sibling and a fierce parent. Even as a Soul Reaper, his responsibilities were always for his work and his family. He was the provider, not a murderer.

Maybe it really was an accident?

"You can trust me, sister. You know me better than anyone." he pleaded, reaching out again.

I did know him better than anyone. It had always been the two of us, fighting the odds together. Kisuke hadn't been in our lives long enough to have the bond we shared together.

Yoruichi interrupted my thoughts. "You need to listen to your gut, what is it telling you?"

My gut? It was feeling queasy. Like something wasn't right. . .

I clenched my jaw and gripped my sword tighter, steeling myself for a fight.

"Who are you?" I looked upon the man wearing my brothers face.

"You know who I am, Akira! Sure I may be a little different now, but I'm still your brother," he exclaimed.

I saw the broken pieces of his mask, scattered on the ground, kicking a broken part near my foot. Hollow. . . Shinji had told me about his powers, about being fused to a hollow.

"You're a visored." I answered.

He nodded his head vigorously. "Yes, yes exactly! Please give me a chance to explain myself."

I eyed him warily. "That doesn't excuse killing my men."

He looked down and picked up his sword, testing its grip. When he looked up at me again the expression on his face darkened. "I'm not a Soul Reaper anymore, Akira. I can't be held responsible for my actions. The first one was my fault, honestly, I hit him too hard. The other five? I told them not to talk to you and then that's exactly what they did. Not my fault!" He held a hand to his chest in gesticulation, laughing.

I was disgusted by his words. Not only did he confirm that he'd killed them, but he was mocking them like it was their fault he killed them.

I thought of all the times he bandaged my skinned knees or patched a tear in my robe, telling me to be more careful and always, always smiling. The smile on this mans face wasn't the same. Whoever this man was, he wasn't my brother anymore.

"You're sick." Kensei spat.

"I couldn't agree more, lieutenant." Toshiro added.

Out of nowheres Yuki appeared beside me, landing a sickening punch to my gut. Things began to fade to black around the edges of my vision.

"Sorry guys but, family matters."

The was a flash of bright light and then, nothing.

Bleach: The Captain Part Two & Three, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now