Chapter 6: Stitches

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Not a word was exchanged between us while we leapt over the rooftops, headed for the western sector. I didn't think it was possible to piss him off more than I already had, but I was breaking records today.

I couldn't blame him.

What the hell was I thinking? I let this get personal and I ignored my squad for something that I was very quickly realizing was a mistake. What did it matter if there was more information on Yuki's death? That wasn't going to bring him back from the dead. I searched my brain for a way to explain everything to Toshiro but nothing seemed right.

I could hear voices faintly below us. Toshiro jumped from the rooftop and landed quietly on the pavement below. I followed suit, doing my best to straighten out my robes and my head before going in.

Momo very discreetly leaned in and whispered the name of the shinigami that was propped against the wall. He was completely disoriented, fighting off assistance from his other fireteam members. Blood dripped from his nostrils like a leaky faucet and as he pushed away the helping hands, he smeared it all over his face and arms.

"Momo can you spare a handker--," she pulled out the little cloth before I could finish my sentence.

I shrugged off my haori and passed it to her in exchange. Taking the kerchief over to a downspout that was dribbling water, I wet it and returned to the soul reaper.

I placed a firm hand on his shoulder and began mopping the mess from his face, finishing by holding the kerchief to his nose to staunch the bleeding. He wavered in and out of consciousness.

I needed to get the information out of him before he lost consciousness.

"Okay, deep breaths and focus on me. You're going to tell me what you remember, alright?"

"I don't. . . I don't really remember. . ." he tried to speak over the bloody handkerchief.

I looked to his team members for help. None of them could offer me an answer.

"Alright then, I think that you've got a concussion. We're going to have to send you home and get that taken care of, okay?" I gave him my most sincere smile.

I helped him to his feet and assessed the rest of his body, content that there were no other injuries. He heaved once and emptied his stomach on the ground and the walls and my black robes. Momo's face turned green so she politely excused herself.

I rubbed his back gently. "Okay. . . yup, that's one hell of a concussion."

He heaved again, mumbling something about wanting to sleep.

I gave him the bad news. "Sorry but we're going to need you to stay awake, they're going to need to monitor you for the next little while and you can't be asleep for that." I hooked his arm over the waiting shoulder of one of his companions.

I pointed to his remaining fireteam members. "The three of you take him back to the soul society for treatment. I'm going to send Kensei, Ikkaku and Yumichika to take over for you for the time being." I turned my attention to Captain Hitsugaya. "How are the members of squad tens fireteam?"

"All accounted for; I think whatever got that soul reaper couldn't have been too dangerous or he would have been dead." He stated plainly.

"You're probably right. Momo take out my phone and send off that message I just mentioned." The putrid smell of sour milk hit my nostrils with an alarming force. I examined my robes and had to breath from my mouth to stop from dry heaving. "I really need to change."


As I carefully peeled the pungent layers of clothing from my body, I systematically stuffed them into a garbage bag and tossed them onto the bathroom floor. The hot steam of the shower instantly washed away the remaining grime and I felt almost normal. Knowing full well what awaited me outside of my asylum, I spent far more time than was necessary cleaning myself. Long after the hot water had run out I finally gave up and put on a clean shirt and pyjama bottoms.

Bleach: The Captain Part Two & Three, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang