Chapter 3: The Urahara Shoten

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Dinner at Kisukes was an impressive affair. He hung little lanterns from the ceiling complete with streamers, which was nothing compared to the spread he dished out on the table for us. It should have felt busy and disorganized but to me it felt a little like home.

He greeted us eagerly at the door, ushering us into the room where the other guests were already seated.

Momo and Rangiku conspired in the corner like thieves at a market, giggling into their drinks. Rangiku took one look at my two companions and pulled them down into the seats beside her, hooting and flirting like a mad fiend. Murray gave me a pleading look as he went under so I offered him a parting salute.

Ahh Alcohol, the greatest villain Murrays ever faced.

Captain Hitsugaya seated himself away from the gaggle of shinigami, engrossed in a pile of papers I had to assume were given to him just a moment ago, most likely by Kisuke.

My brother lead me by the elbow and plopped me down on a cushion next to Toshiro before seating himself on my other side. He clapped his hands together and beckoned us to eat.

Between mouthfuls of food, Kisuke shot off rapid fire questions. He really wasn't joking when he said he wanted to get to know me.

"Favourite colour?"


"Favourite number?"

"Ten," I answered without thinking. Was that still my favourite?

He dished another plate of food for each of us and continued his onslaught.

"Favourite movie?"

I had to think for a minute on that one. "Sense and Sensibility."

He looked me up and down in mock humour. "You're such a girl," he teased.

"I think it makes you more a girl that you know the movie," I objected.

He chuckled taking a sip of water before proceeding. Next question;

"First kiss?"

I inhaled a shrimp that was halfway to my mouth and started choking. Murray shot up out of his seat and began slapping between my shoulder blades, ejecting the offending morsel which Yoruichi made quick work of. I waved Murray off of me and took a long draught of water. Captain Hitsugaya eyed me with something that looked like curiosity before remembering the literature in front of him.

"Not answering that one Kisuke."

He frowned as he set down his plate. "Didn't end well huh? Let me straighten them out, I need to start working on my brotherly complex."

I set my glass down and shook my head. "Let it go Kisuke."

He looked from me to Toshiro, recognition dawning on him.


I grasped at the opportunity to change the subject. "Keep asking away, you're slowly breaking down my inner psyche," I teased.

He stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Okay this one is a little tougher. How did it feel the first time you put on that Haori?"

I leaned back slightly making myself more comfortable. "I'm not sure I can really put it into words Kisuke. Excited? Nervous? I still feel a mix of emotions when I put it on like I... I...,"

"--don't want to fail anyone." He finished thoughtfully.

I offered him a small smile. He understood the feeling too. "Yes something like that."

Bleach: The Captain Part Two & Three, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now