Chapter 13: A Warning

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I awoke to find Toshiro and me in a tangled mess of limbs. His body heat was radiating from me like a supernatural furnace, and although I loved it, I desperately needed to pee. Searching for something to cover my nakedness, he stirred from his sleep and pulled me into him again.

"Where are you going," he mumbled into my hair.

"I need to go to the bathroom Toshiro, please let me go before it's too late," I grasped at the blankets, extracting myself from him.

"Mmmm five more minutes?" he moaned.

I ran my finger across his forehead and brushed away some of his tousled hair. He gave me an appreciative look but allowed me to get dressed. I kissed him quickly on the lips and hopped out of bed before he could pull me under again.

If I wasn't so in need of the bathroom, I might have let him.


After washing my hands, I checked to make sure the coast was clear before tiptoeing back to the room. Someone in the house cleared their throat conspicuously. I turned around and leaned against the wall, giving off an air of indifference.

Rangiku sat at the dining room table, watching me with a shit-eating grin.

"Well, would you look at that, you've got a glow captain." She tossed me a devious wink.

"I'm not sure what you mean," I said, a little too high pitched. God, I was a terrible liar.

"Oh I don't know, maybe it's how you slept?" she offered.

"I slept just fine thank you." I tried to drop the conversation by walking away. Her giggling could still be heard over my shoulder.

"I would guess so, considering you're wearing the captain's boxers. . ." she snorted.

My face changed five different shades of red as I tried to walk as nonchalantly as possible back to the safety of my room.


Toshiro had his head propped up on one elbow, eyeing me appreciatively as I crawled back into bed with him. He wrapped his arms around me and hummed into my neck.

"Cat's out of the bag, Rangiku knows," I admitted, shamefully embarrassed.

I thought I heard him snort. "That didn't take her long." He ran his hands along the curve of my hip, nuzzling his lips into my neck. Reluctantly, I grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"Don't you think it's a little weird doing this while Rangiku is practically within earshot?"

He considered it for a moment and then sighed. "Probably yes."

I ran my finger down his chest, teasing him. "We'll get another chance, I promise."

His eyes danced with mischief. "You can count on it," he growled.

I pulled the covers back and tossed robes at him to cover up. Shaking mine out, I shrugged them on, tying my belt and fixing my hair into a ponytail. A door somewhere in the house banged open, and I could hear someone crying. Casting a worried look at Toshiro, I dashed out into the hallway to see what had happened.

Momo had collapsed in the living room, tears staining her face. I knelt down and rubbed her shoulders, trying to calm her sobs.

"What happened lieutenant?" I asked.

"Y-you've got to come see, I-I can't explain it," she hiccuped. Toshiro ran into the room, finishing the knot on his robes. He looked at me and then at her.

"Show us then."


Momo leads us to Kisuke's Shoten. She pulled on my arm, beckoning her to follow. When we turned the corner, a grisly scene presented its self. A message scrawled in blood was written for everyone to see:


But that wasn't what got to me. Below it, five armbands bearing the Fifth Division insignia were laid out in a row, saturated in blood.

I composed myself, resisting the urge to break down in front of my lieutenant.

"Have we found the bodies yet?" I looked at Momo, who wasn't coping well at all. She shook her head feebly.

"Do you think they're dead captain?" she trembled.

"I think it's safe to say yes. I would be more surprised if they were alive at this point Momo." I said seriously.

Fresh tears streaked her face, and she sobbed uncontrollably. I gave Momo over to Rangiku and had her escorted back to headquarters. Kensei appeared along with Toshiro, their faces grim.

"We've got a serious problem on our hands," Kensei pipped up.

"No shit lieutenant." I ran my fingers through my hair, fighting the urge to scream.

He took the wise route and offered up his services rather than hang around for the shit storm that was about to happen. "I'll search the area for casualties." he saluted smartly.

I paced back and forth, a bundle of nervous energy with no way to disperse it. I had to think of something, and fast. What if I--,"

"You're not doing that," Toshiro interrupted.

I stopped my pacing and looked at Toshiro, confused. "I didn't say anything."

"No, but you've got that martyr look going on. You're not offering yourself up as bait. That's dumb, and that's playing into the enemies hands."

I felt so frustrated and helpless. What was I going to do?

My phone beeped, Kensei had sent a message that made my heart sink.

Found them, all deceased. Sorry captain.

I tried to say something but the lump in my throat my voice hoarse. Toshiro took my phone and read the message, his look telling me he was already formulating a plan in his head. He handed it back and grabbed my hand, squeezing in reassuringly.

"Alright, here's what we're going to do. . ." he began.

Bleach: The Captain Part Two & Three, Toshiro Hitsugaya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now