{First Sign}1 [edited]

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Yerim's POV

Actually it was completely quiet. You could only hear the birds chirping and the wind blowing. A few cars drove there too. But I couldn't enjoy it because I thought I was going to be late.

When I arrived at the bus stop, I ran as fast as I could to the curb. The paving stones were already a bit older. One of these was protruding more out. I haven't looked for it and it came to that I fell on the floor... As I sat up, I saw that I had an injury on my knee. I held the wound to reduce the pain a bit. It did not hurt very much, but I could see the blood, slowly running down my leg.

Suddenly, I heard someone speaking in front of me. It came on a few moments after he said his question, "Are you okay?" a strange boy asked me anxiously and held out his hand. I hesitated but reached for it and pulled myself up.

"Thank you," I muttered, "I'm fine." Continuing looking at my leg and still feeling the slight pain, I was a bit absent as he talked again.

"But it doesn't look like. Should I stick a pavement or something on the wound?" This boy seemed to be really worried and rummage around in his bag after he put it on the floor and opened it.

I shook my head. "No, it's alright, it's not that important." I resisted any help but he already found one in a compartment in the front of his sport bag.

The boy kneeled down and glued it on my knee. I put a hand on my thighs that he didn't have a chance to look under my skirt. Then he stood up and gave me his hand again, smiled, and asked how I was called. I replied, "Erh, Kim Yerim," and asked about his name. I liked his smile and grinned back at him. His eye balls disappeared when he did so. Kinda cute.

"Park Jimin." He paused. I had some time to admire his face. He had small formed eyes, kind of sharp when he opened them more, a cute button nose and soft seeming lips. His cheeks were a bit puffy and his hair was a bit messy. After I saw everything, he spoke again and made me twitch, "Why were you in such a hurry?"

I looked frightened, instantly and back to the street. I haven't known when the bus would come, since I was new in Seoul and asked him a question, "When is the next bus coming? I'm probably much too late!"

He raised an eyebrow. "In what school are you?" - "Geumbo Middle School!" (Idk xD)

He laughed briefly. "You're not late, you're even too early! You have an other hour to go to this school and it's not too far away!" Why did he laugh? It isn't fun at all! But I felt relieved that I wasn't too late so I could slacken a bit.

I looked down at the floor, "Oh, sorry. I'm new here," and back to him, "You're already here. How comes to it? You're on an other school where you have to be there earlier, huh?" My arms crossed in front of my chest.

"I'm a good student." After he had said that, the bus rolled on and halted at the bus stop. "There we have to go now. I'm in a different school as you but we'll see us soon if you always have to go with the bus." He winked and got in the bus with me, tailing after him.

I sat down on a still vacant seat in the middle of the bus. Jimin sat down beside me. "You're going about ten minutes," he told me. I could hardly understand what he said, as the bus was so crowded, but I could decipher it and just nodded. "I will have to go longer, so I can tell you where you have to get out," he promised and looked straight in front of him.

After the promised ten minutes, the vehicle stopped. We hadn't lost another word on the way, which bothered me a bit. I wanted to get to know him more, but I wasn't tough enough to talk with him. I got up. "Here I have to go out, haven't I?"

He stood up and smiled at me. I just looked at him confused. Should I get out or not? This question was actually meaningless, because when he got up and then turned to the door next to him, it was clear that he had answered with a Yes and I stood next to him, but he sat down again. Huh? I was confused now. Was it the right stop or not? For sure he just wanted to make fun of me and shows me the wrong way, so I could really come too late on the first day on my new school. Tsk.

{The Way You Look Like} JungRi [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now