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Yerim's POV

Jeongguk: It's a pity that you have to go.
I would have awakened the guys and aggravated them
Monday, 11:32 PM

When I received this message, I was already trapped in my little dream world. When I got home, I fell immediately to the bed. Without moving, I was also asleep.

He comes up to me, very close. "Please, take me and not him." With this sentence he gets closer to my lips. Only a few centimeters away from his. My heart is racing wildly. I can feel his breath on my pale skin. Closer. Slowly he begins to shut his eyes. Closer. Now I do too, but still open a gap to see him. Suddenly he reaches for my hips and pulls me closer to him.

I feel them now - his soft lips.

Suddenly my cell phone rang. So it was already around seven. I turned around in my bed. I wanted to keep dreaming of this sweet kiss ... I would have done it too, since I had my dance classes by one afternoon, but since my father had made me go shopping again, I was already awake at seven, annoying.

A little later, half past eight, I turned back to the cell phone and turned off the alarm clock. I noticed that Jeongguk had written to me. I answered immediately, sitting in bed.

Yerim: Would not you have done this way? XD
Tuesday, 07:32 AM

At the time he was probably not awake, I had already finished showering, washing hair, make-up, combing hair and of course dressing.

While I wrapped the towel around me I got a message.

Jeongguk: No.
Or is it? 🤔
I do not know myself ...: /
07:56 AM

Yerim: Oh, so. Well then .. XD

What are you doing?

I am in the bath

No, fun. Do not interest me
What are you doing?

All right
Making ready!?:D

Makes sense

What are you doing?

I'm still in bed '--'

Do not you sweat?

Could I ask you



No matter

How should I sweat while lying down?

This is with me when I stay longer, awake, in my bed ..
I do not know either...

I think that was too much info

I also note straight

Is not bad
I have something I can tell the guys

Would be me, I do not care because
That's what most people do.
So that's why (and another reason) I'm up early

Oh, so. Okay cool?
Why are you awake so early, too?

Have to go shopping..

{The Way You Look Like} JungRi [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now