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Yerim's POV

I starred at his back while he was disappearing in the crowd. I didn't like it that Jeongguk didn't stay with us but I understood it. Jimin and me had a date what he did not want to disturb like he said but it bothered me a bit. It was nice with Jimin but with Jeongguk... it'd be better! You notice that I like him more, right? That's why I followed behind, letting Jimin stay there, confused. Sorry Jimin, I mouthed without looking back to him. "Jungkook!" I screamed after him, "Stop!!" Many people came into my way and took me the view to him. I lost him... I sniffed. Shit. What now? I tried to keep calm and went back, with many obstacles everywhere, called humans.

When I got back to the bar Jimin wasn't there anymore. He left without telling me, like I did a few minutes ago. Now I sobbed. Shit, I said me again, How can I be so stupid!? Now I've lost both boys. I thought, Jimin hates me now and Jungkook will think I'm together with that Charming-Park. Yes, Jungkook had charm too but he was not taking it as his advantage to bring me everywhere he wanted. But Jimin did. He was so nice and - I think you didn't forget - helped me with my shopping bags when I went to the shopping market and met him. Jungkook wasn't helping me; he only always seemed so jealous with every boy I'm talking with, for example Jimin or Hoseok - I sometimes saw it how he was starring at that guy opposite of me. A little bit creepy but cute too. He didn't even got the chance to help me with some things like carrying my books or bring away my garbage because Jimin always threw himself into the front and did it first. I was glad that I got so good friends like them.

I looked around, hopping I'd find one of these guys but no. Instead of this I found Seulgi! I quickly ran over to her and hugged her. "What a luck, I met you!" I screamed while releasing her.

"Yeri," she spoke loudly, "What are you doing here!?" She sounded serious and I thought she didn't wanted me to be here. "You know it's dangerous to be alone in such a party!"

I slowly nodded with gaze to the floor. But after a few moments I looked back at her. "I wasn't alone! Jimin was with me and I also met Jungkook!"

"Proof it! Where are they?!"

"I don't know! They disappeared!"

She was shocked. "Why is that?! I thought they'd like you!"

"Yes, but Jungkook wanted to go and I followed behind. Then I lost him in the crowds. As I went back Jimin went away too!"

She hummed, I guessed, and looked around. But now I realized she hadn't had an accompaniment although she told me not to go without one. "I see Jungkook!" she screamed and pointed in his direction. I quickly turned around and tried to find him but someone was laughing behind me. A death glare formed itself in my face and I slowly looked over my shoulder.

"This isn't funny at all! I want to apologize to them!" I glared at her and turned my head back to the front. She stepped next to me and placed one hand on my shoulder. "I'll find him alone if you don't want to help me, pff!" I shook her arm away and was about to go away from her but she stopped me from doing so with holding my wrist. Seulgi was kind of harsh. But as I wanted to turn away a strong arm pulled me into a hug. I let my eyes open as I was frightened.

"Hey." It was Jungkook. "I have already told you this many times and I'll say it again," he started, looking deeply into my eyes. I changed between them as everything around us went silent. Jeongguk was the middle point now. "I'm here to protect you, Yerim. How many times should I tell you this now, hm?" His eyes closed as he smiled at me, brightly. I could go away from them and looked at his chest. Quite muscular though.

I nodded a little. "Thanks, Kookie," I murmured and he came closer to me again. Two eyes were peeking on me, Seulgi's. I could firmly feel it on my cheek. I stepped back and lifted my hands. "S-stop."

"Why? I didn't understand what you said," he smiled at me and I looked over to Seulgi. She really was starring.

I got red and tried to repeat it for him, "Th-thanks, J-jungkook." I made a bow around him and went to Seulgi who was smiling, teasingly. "Say nothing," I said to her in a serious way. I'd cut the veins off her neck if she will say something wrong.

She shook her head, still smiling and now Jeongguk stood next us. I looked up to him and grinned, lightly. He was so tall!

Seulgi just smirked, evil, "I'll let you alone now.. I don't have to babysit you anymore." No, don't go! "Bye, you two love birds." Okay, piss off.

I muttered a quiet "Annyeong" what she did not hear for sure and turned to Jeongguk who was grinning like a honey-cake-horse or better bunny. But like.. his teeth look a little like these of a rabbit! It's cute though. "What is?"

The smile faded for I don't know why. What a pity.. All of a sudden, he pulled me into another hug as I was frozen. Why is he so clinging now? He wasn't like this before... I hugged back and closed my eyes then he let go, me still keeping my eyes like they were. "Are you tired?" he asked me. I got very startled when I got lifted by someone, what I guessed was Jeongguk for sure. I briefly opened my eyes. It was him. I leaned against his chest and grinned a bit. He was so kind to me, a little bit too much though.

Seulgi's POV

I squealed as I saw them two, going out of the night club and ran over to Juhyeon who was standing next to Taehyeongie. "Eonnie!" I screamed, "You will never know what just happened!" I was so excited to tell her everything!

"What is it?" she smiled at me warmly. I thought, she'd already know that it's something about Yerim.

"A few minutes ago, I met our two Maknae! He hugged her as a greeting, he found her! Isn't that cute!" I only squeaked at them. I'd like to see Yerim happy... with Jeongguk who was so sweet and has everything what she should got and with everything, I mean everything if you understand what I mean. *wink wink*

She smiled broadly, wanted to say something but Taehyeong came in-between, "Yerim and Jungkook? Really?" He smirked a bit, "I knew it."

We looked at him, confused then to each other. "What? He talked about her with you or what?" Joohyun asked with the arms crossed.

He looked up and back to us. "No, not that much but you could recognize it how in love he is with her so I wonder why you didn't do anything to bring them closer. I even think she also likes him a little bit too much," he told us and I was shocked. Why haven't I seen it? We didn't even notice how she was starring at him sometimes and when they talk she often blushed! Ugh, dumb, dumb Seulgi!

I facepalmed, "Shit. You're right, Taehyeongie."

He smirked once again, "of course I am, like always, HA!" He laughed for a short moment then went silent. Joohyun next to me giggled quietly. Ha! I caught you! It seems like here's someone in love too! Now I am the one who has to smirk, devilishly.

Jungkook + Yeri!💍
Taehyung + Irene?🌚

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