{Date With Him}7.2

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{So relaxing if you can enjoy this atmosphere. Above all, if you have a sweet girl beside you ...}

Yerim's POV

I could feel his warm breath on my forehead as he was close to my face. His knees leaned against mine and one of his well-built arms was still wrapped around my shoulder.

There were no people walking around the paths; At least I could not see any. My eyes went from the lake to the moon. It seemed as bright as a full moon. It could formally transform. Well, it could, so to speak. It transforms werewolves from the human form into a half-dog or a complete transformation into a wolf. I have clearly seen too many films ...

Jeongguk began to get even closer. I could feel his breath on the lips. I did not turn to him and remained quiet. "Nice view, is not it?" He asked me in a quiet voice. I just nodded and tried to look at the nature play. He steered me off even more and put my head on his shoulder. I could do nothing else except to be red. "Is great here, is not it?"

"Yes ... That's true ..." I looked to the side and became even more reddish. How will this evening be prosperous? I asked myself and turned a little in the direction of Jeongguk's face. He had already seen me, as our eyes met. "C-c-can we run a lot-easily something?" Stutter over stuttering. Probably I would stutter now all the time...

"Yes, of course. Why not? You're a guest!" He grinned at me and released the handle around my shoulders. It was quite true that I was the guest. I had only arrived last week and did not really get around to looking into Seoul. With him I had at least a small part behind me. Well, a horror cabinet that Jeongguk not even thought it was creepy and a extremely beautiful park.

"Are you here several times?" I interrupted the silence as we walked along the path together.

"So obvious?"

"So yes?" I kept my eyes on the ground. He nodded briefly. "I can understand that!" I smiled broadly. I will certainly come here often, thanks to him.

"Oh yes?? So you come here more often now?" Can he read thoughts? I nodded shyly. "Then ... we could meet again, either ... or?" He asked stuttering.

"If you want. I do not force you to anything." I paused. "Are you coming in the evening?"

He shook his head. "No, no. Only sometimes, when I want to relax in the evening, not on my balcony, but in the real nature."

I became somewhat curious. "Where is the balcony? On your room?"

"Yep, but it is not the only one. In the bedroom of my parents is also one."

"Oh, cool! Can you send me maybe a picture, or so ...?"

"I can take you with me too," he suddenly attacked me and came closer to me. My heart beat higher and my cheeks thawed again. I did not get a word out. When I wanted to speak, he interrupted me. "You do not have to come if you do not want to..." We stopped. He looked down.

"Eh... eh... ehm... We know.. each other only since today... ehm.. I can.. come another time yet."

"Do not think wrong. I do not want sex. I just want to show you my flat."

"Oh, is not it?"

"Oh," he repeated, reaching for my hand. "Are you coming?" He smiled.

"If I'm allowed to..." I looked up at him and grinned slightly.

"Yes sur-"

My phone suddenly vibrated. "Wait a minute."

Joohyun @ Red Velvet Girls‼
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