{Using Her}16

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×After Yeri entered her house×

Joohyun's POV

We, me and Taehyung, saw everything what happened between Jungkook and Yerim and MABSOSA (Oh my gawd) they kissed each other! Two times! ... Well, who didn't see that to come? Me not, I actually knew it. Taehyung too for sure. Apropos Taehyung ehm.. what should I say? He looked at me several times while the two were kissing. I was messed up inside of me when I saw him starring at me, in the corner of my eye. Aish, I would've kissed him too if I had self-confidence to do that but nope. There's no way to go to that. I sighed.

Taehyung's POV

Hold up. I'm not falling for Joohyun. I already had Yuna whom I was in love with. But now this Joohyun sparks in-between of us! What a girl. How does she even dare to do that.

But wait, it was not her fault, it was mine. I should slap myself or screaming at my mirror picture. I shouldn't blame her at all. No, Joohyun is a very nice and pretty girl - almost woman - who was like a dog following his master, haha. What an imagination her being a puppy. Actually cute- Wait. I have Yuna! I sighed....
with Joohyun in unison as we went back to the party club. We both were thinking about something 'stressful', weren't we?

"What's wrong with you?" she asked out of nowhere. I looked over at her and stopped my walking as she did and turned to me. I slightly smirked at her. If she really was a dog who follows her master, me, then I should use this huh? "Yah, answer m-" (A/N: he completely changed his mind lol XD)

"No!" I interrupted her, "You should answer me. Come over here." She nodded rapidly and went back to my side. I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer. "Would you mind, ehm.." I pretended to be nervous. "to be my girlfriend?"

She froze in her traps and looked at me in a shocked way. It's actually nothing that special when I ask her to be mine but okay. (What an idiot~) But I knew she'd say Yes so I kissed her cheek softly. "Let's go in, huh?" I smiled at her, it was a little bit fake one but she wouldn't notice this.

She slightly nodded. "Y-y-yes, erh.. of cause," she stuttered. I hoped this wouldn't go like this the whole time, ugh. But it is cute.. I quickly shook this thought off and opened her the door so she could enter. I went behind her while she was driving back to the bar where I could see Seulgi, still standing there and talking with a boy. She was holding a beer can.

Joohyun, my now new fake girlfriend, quickly approached to her and squeaked out some words I couldn't understand.

After I was there too, I saw who that boy was. It was Jimin. I smiled at him a short time, then fist bumped with him. "How you doing," I 'asked' without any desire to talk much.

He shrugged while the two girls were still screaming like little babies next to us. I couldn't control myself, "Yah! Stop it! You're even louder than the music here!" They went quiet after that. "Sorry," I spoke again.

Joohyun shook her head. "No, it's okay. You're a dominant boy so.. yeah." She smiled broadly what was relieving me. I didn't want to shout at her like they were to each other.. in an other way of cause. You know what I mean.

They went back to their conversation as I already turned to Jimin. "Really? Why are you doing that to her?" he asked as I told him what happened earlier.

"Because I want to make Yuna jealous," I simply spoke. He lifted an eyebrow. "What? Don't judge me."

"Are you fucking real!? She has feelings you know!" he now screamed as well. The girls didn't hear him too, what a luck. "You are not serious! Do you want to use her for ThIS?! Again, she's a human with feelings and not a machine without some!" he spoke out loud and I got nervous they would notice him.

"Just wait, okay?"

"No! You're sucking me! I'll gotta go!" I could hear he was very angry and I regretted it to tell him what I was going to do.

"What? You already want to go?" Seulgi asked. Did they listen to us? I don't hope so.

"Yes," Jimin said straight while looking over at me and back to her. "Wanna come with me? I mean, you two."

Joohyun shook her head and went to me. "No, I'll stay with my new boyfriend.~"

"Well, then have fun with your new boyfriend," he ended our conversation and pulled Seulgi out of the club. I knew it was wrong to use her but in that moment I didn't care about that so yeah. She wrapped her small arms around mine. Actually it was cute but I saw it as a 'friend zone' cute not in a 'relationship' cute. You understand? I hope so.

I grinned warmly at her. "Do you want to go home, love?" She nodded continuously at me while giving me that grin back. "Then let's go home!" I went outside with her. Well, I realized that .. uhm I don't know, each of us guys got - I mean fake-got in my case -  a girl on the same night. What is that? Coincidence it couldn't be anymore or? Wait .. what's with Seulgi and Jimin? Will they go home as friends or boy- and girlfriend? What do you think?

Taehyung gotta be a jerk xD (don't judge this bad because this is only a fanfiction so shhht) will there be trouble?🌚 or (like Tae asked) what do you think?
in the next chap there'll be some Seulmin action I guess. I don't know since I haven't written it yet lol
If you liked it vote and comment your ass off😂✌ bye guys💎

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