{Saying Yes, No Or Maybe To Him}22

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After they ate their lunch they stood up and went upstairs. Both of them complimented Yerim's mother for the great food she made - rice with kimchi and sauce. (idk lol) She was glad that her meal tasted the two of teenager and was now washing the dishes while Jungkook and Yerim were in her room, chatting.

"I have to admit that Jin Hyeong is better in cooking." With that the girl hit Jungkook's arm which made him hiss in pain as he grabbed the now hurting place. "Oww! Why did you do that!?"

She thought that question was unnecessary so she decided to stay quiet, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow at him. He could've lied to her to attract her but no. The ugly truth had to be shown by him what he hadn't had to do at all. Jungkook could've started the conversation with an ordinary Your mum's food was delicious. or I like your house. but his statement was clear heard by her. "I will tell that my mum. She'll be happy about it..."

He got a little nervous, "Sorry.. I didn't mean to.."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways." Yerim sighed, "What do you want to do now?" Actually everything what she wanted to know how they two stood now. If they are a couple or only normal friends like before.

Jungkook pondered a while, letting silence enter the room. He also was unsure about them two, but couldn't ask her because he was too shy for that. "Yer-..." He just couldn't speak about that topic so he stood quiet. But Yerim had to know what he wanted.


Jungkook put his arm at the back of his neck and scratched it. "It's nothing." By her staring he slowly began to sweat. What is, what now? he asked himself in nervousness and it was pretty obvious that he was. Same went with Yerim; her heart beat very quickly by only staring at him.

They both asked themselves the same question: Are we a couple now, or not? But both of them couldn't answer it though.

"Um.. Jungkook.. is it okay when-"

"Yeah, I want you to stand the question too," he interrupted her without even knowing that she only wanted to ask him if she can meet up with Jimin for an extra apology. But now he was going to say it; he put all his braveness together and it bursted out of his mouth in a stuttering way, "A-a-are w-e a c-c-c-coup-p-le n-now?" The word 'couple' was the most difficult thing to spit out but he managed to tell her what he wanted to ask.

Her heart stopped and almost jumped out of her chest. She was surprised to hear it from him before she could do it. "You, you want th-that..?" Her voice also stopped halfway without that much stuttering as him. Yerim couldn't believe it at first and let her mouth stand wide open.

Because some reason he got his strength as a man back and hugged her, tightly. "I ask if you want it." He laid his forehead at her shoulder to inhale her good smelling scent. A disadvantage for her was that he slightly could hear her sped up beating heart. Jungkook closed his eyes to listen to it a short while.

Yerim was frozen and paralyzed by all the sudden actions he did and blushed so hard that there's no way to see if it's a human head or a tomato.


He still staid in that position. "Jagiya." With that more color - if it's even possible - shot in her face of embarrassment. Slowly she got desire to kiss his soft lips again and started to lift her hands for pushing his shoulders away from her. Yerim succeeded with her small arms and he stood in front of her. In the one hand he had to smile in his mind because of her reddish face; on the other hand he was sad about the pushing-away-from-her thing.

She didn't know why she acted like that now but she placed her hands on her cheeks and ran off, entering the bathroom right next to her room and locked the door. The girl seriously couldn't realize what's going on between them. She also wanted him as her boyfriend but she was afraid if he would break her heart because of an other girl or if he pretended to like her, only to play with her feelings. She couldn't get that. Not from him.

"Yeri..?" Jungkook called her as he slowly knocked at that door, leaned his head against it and called her name again. "Come out.." He was sad about what she had done. It seemed like she hadn't interest in him and didn't like him. At both of them the eyes started to get wet but at Jungkook's, the tears didn't fall. Only in Yeri's.

"Jungkook," she sobbed in a trembling voice, getting up from the toilet to go to the door, placing a hand on exact the same spot as Jungkook's hand was without knowing it. He felt her like a magnet through the wood and put his ear against it to hear what she was saying. "We're a couple.." she mumbled what he couldn't understand by her unclear tone but it was too late. She already opened the door, looking up to him. "You don't seem to be glad at all.."

He sniffed, pulling back his tears into his eyes. "About what..?" he asked confusingly. Is it about what she said just now...?

She didn't listen to as him she wanted to hug him tightly and did so. "Officially, we're together now," Yerim muttered against his shirt, inhaling his scent, feeling his heat and sensing his washboard abs.

The boy formed a smile in his face and wrapped his muscular arms around her. Her heart started beating fast again because of his touches on her back, waist, chest and stomach. "Do you want nicknames as my girl now?" he asked, receiving no answer from her; he could only hear her light breathing against him. If he would've let her go now, she had fallen down because she fell asleep in this hug so fast.

After a few minutes, Jungkook became impatient and was about to pull her but heard her quiet, cute snorting instead. So he decided to bring her back in bridal style in her room into her bed.

By the way, Yerim always fell asleep when she cried a few minutes ago. Her eye balls start to get red and the lids puffy so she barely can see something. Her eyes burn and she always closes them because of it and visits the wonderful dream world of hers - with much pink and purple in it.

He slowly laid the sleeping girl on her bed and pulled the peach colored blanket over her body until under her breasts. He stared for a while at her pretty being and was proud about what he got to be his, now. A young, small and especially beautiful girl was his girlfriend now and it pleased him.

{The Way You Look Like} JungRi [UNDER EDITING]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu