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Chapter 7:

His lips were gentle but grew passionate as I felt my back brush the wall behind me. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Too soon, he pulled back and slowly caressed my cheek. His eyes were dilated and a smile hinted at the corner of his lips. I just closed my eyes and rested my face in the crook of his neck.

"I...just wow." He finally whispered.

"I'm glad you couldn't wait." I chuckled as his arms found my waist.

"Really?" He asked laughing himself.

"Yeah, because now I can do this." I said pulling him down to kiss me again.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" I broke away from Olli, knowing the voice coming from my left as easily as Tanger's.

"We know why he miss football now." I heard a second familiar voice add. I hid my face in Olli's chest afraid to look.

"Olli it's too much. I can't. Kris and them on the same day." I whispered. I would legitimately pass out at this point.

"If you could handle Letang, your favorite player, why are you freaking out about these losers?" He whispered back, trying to make light of the situation but he just didn't understand how much of a fan girl I really was yet. I was trying to keep my breathing even but slowly slipping into hyperventilation. I mean two of the best players in the world were walking towards me. Evgeni Malkin and Sidney F*cking Crosby

"Little Fin, you hide her from us?" I heard Geno ask. I haven't quite got why every one calls him "Little Fin" when he's freaking six-three and sturdily built but hey to each their own. Maybe it's his age?

"Geno, Sid this is my friend Alyssa. But bare with her, she's still recovering from meeting Tanger and is most likely in shock at the moment."

"Of course, it's nice to meet you. I'm Sidney." The forward held out his hand kindly and had a small smile. I slowly pulled way from my embrace with Olli and made eye contact with the Canadian Hockey God. I have been close to him thanks to the glass seats but nothing prepares you for this. I just shook hands with Sidney Crosby Captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins and Team Canada.

"I'm Alyssa." I managed to mumble.

"Seems like more than friend to me." Geno added smirking towards Olli.

"We're working on that." He said releasing me to rub the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I am Geno." Malkin said offering his hand as well. I went to shake it but was soon pulled into a hug by the Russian. I froze in his tight embrace. It was very different then how Olli was holding me moments before. Geno seemed to have more bulk and size, making it more intimidating.

"Okay Geno, she's shaking. Let go." Sid prompted. I was thankful. He did and I immediately latched myself onto Olli.

"I did not mean to scare you." He said looking sad.

"You didn't. It's just..." I mumbled, unable to really find my voice. 

"Geno she's a huge fan of the team and just met Dumo, Tanger, and now you two. She's not shaking from being scared more from being overwhelmed...at least I hope." Olli explained. I nodded my head in confirmation afraid I still couldn't speak.

"I see." I was glad they understood.

"Poor girl, probably going to send her into heart failure you three!" I head Vero call from behind us. She was right.

Petty Interaction (Olli Maatta)Where stories live. Discover now