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 Chapter 9:

"I swear if that Fin doesn't ask you to be his girl tomorrow, I will give him a stern talking to about leading a girl on." Jared said as we started our walk home. I was still on cloud nine and hardly paying attention to the world around me. The Pens had won six to three, with a final goal from Crosby with Tanger getting the assist.

"You will do no such thing. I want to take things at his pace. I don't want him to think I'm using him for his status."

"Lys, we all know you're not. He got you tickets and let you meet his friends...his team mates, if he was worried about that, he wouldn't have."

"I guess you're right, but I'm going to let him take the lead. He already seemed a little nervous when we talked earlier. He's never dated an American."

"Oh, I never thought of that."

"Just stay out of it for now, once we're together you can go into protective best-friend-older-brother mode."

"I plan on it." He said giving me this evil grin that had me very nervous about what he would do to strike the fear of God into Olli. I just sighed, knowing I was better off not knowing.

We made it to our apartment and I decided it had been long enough after the game that Olli should be close to being done at least with media and may have his phone. I sent him a simple text of congratulations, not wanting to seem clingy or awkward.

To Olli: Great Game Tonight!! Glad I got to be there to see your goal! It was a beauty!

I laid down with Jared on our coach and watched the highlights from other games around the league. I glanced over and Jared was asleep already so I turned on Netflix and started an episode of Grey's. I only had one class tomorrow and it wasn't until 1, so I could stay up a little tonight and study in the morning for my midterm over coffee in the morning.

I glanced at my phone. There was no response for nearly an hour now so I figured he was still tied up at the arena. I got up and decided on a shower. I changed into pajamas and woke up Jared sending him to his room. Unlike him with me, I can't carry him to his bed.

I was settling into my sheets when I finally heard a ping from my phone, alerting me of a text. I smiled hoping it was my blonde Fin.

Olli: Thanks Lys! It was for you! Did you enjoy the game? The Seats?

To: Yes, the game was amazing! One of the best I've seen this year. And the seats were perfect! I could watch Tanger all night. ;)

Olli: I'm glad you enjoyed the game...wait Tanger?! SERIOUSLY?!

To: I'm kidding...sort of. I was there for you tonight!

Olli: Lol. Well I really enjoyed you being there, both before and during the game.

To: Before was good, maybe better :*

Olli: I wish you didn't have class tomorrow; we could hang out all day. It's only an optional skate tomorrow. I'd skip for you.

To: Nah, I want our first date to be special. I like the anticipation.

Olli: I see. It is better that way.

Olli: Well, I'll let you go. You have an exam tomorrow correct?

To: Yes, but it's not until 1, hence why I'm even up this late.

Olli: I hope you weren't waiting for me.

To: It was worth it.

Olli: Lys, you're almost done with school, I don't want to jepordize that for you.

I chuckled at his misspelling of jeopardize, but did not correct him. He was obviously sounding it out. I really hope he will teach me some Finnish so he doesn't have to speak in English all the time. Although, his pauses and stumbles were even more adorable to me now that I know him personally.

To: I will get up and study in the morning. Trust me Jared is like my drill sergeant when it comes to studying. I think he forgets he's my friend not my mother sometimes.

Olli: He seems to be very good friend to you.

To: He's the older brother I never had.

Olli: That is good to have. I don't know where I would be without Antii.

To: Our family shapes us that's for sure.

We exchanged messages for well over an hour. It was so easy to talk to him. He seemed honestly interested in most things I said. I glanced at the digital clock on the wall; it was nearing 230am. I sighed, as much as I didn't want to sleep, I knew I needed to if I didn't want to be miserable all day tomorrow.

To: I hate to damper your post-game spirits, but I really should get to sleep.

Olli: You're right. Morning skate will come early for me as well. Good night Lys. Can I text you in the morning?

To: Of course, just after 9 incase I'm still asleep.

Olli: After nine it is then. Good night!

To: Good night Olli.

I fell asleep shortly after plugging my phone in. I had no idea how exhausted I was until that moment. The next morning I woke on my own accord around seven, which was surprising to me. I checked my phone over, glancing briefly at social media before dragging myself out to the kitchen. I started a cup of coffee and switched on the TV to the morning news.

"Good morning sunshine." I heard Jared grumble from behind me as he grabbed a cup out of the cupboard.

"You look hung over." I joked, but to be honest he looked rough for some reason this morning.

"I didn't sleep well once I went into bed for some reason. Then I heard the news and smelled my favorite liquid caffeine."

"I learned early in our friendship, the two ways to your heart are Penguins hockey and coffee."

"I'm not even going to argue." He said smiling and taking a drink of his black coffee.

"Couldn't even pour me a cup?"

"Nope." He said rolling his eyes.

"Fine, I'll just take yours then." I said reaching across the bar but he pulled away quickly.

"I don't think so shorty." He said chuckling and lifting the mug above his head.

"I hate you. I'm glad Olli hasn't tried to use his height against me yet."

"Yet, you're so small and dainty. It is very easy and fun to tease you." He said playfully.

"Why do I surround myself with abnormally tall men?" I sighed. 

"I don't know but your best friend and potential boyfriend are both above six feet tall. What were you thinking? You're what five-four maybe?"

"Five-Four-and-a-half, Thank you." I huffed and crossed my arms.

"You're nearly a foot shorter than him, give it time." He said smirking as he took a drink from his cup. I glared at him until I noted the saying on the mug he chose. Good Morning Asshole. 

Yepp, that describes our relationship perfectly.  

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