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Chapter 24:

One Month Later

"Jared! Let's go! We're going to be late!"

"Relax, I am the one who hasn't been to a game in a couple months. You were there just a couple days ago." He said pulling on his Geno jersey while walking out of his room.

"But Olli doesn't want me sitting in the stands anymore. He likes me up in the box with the other WAGs. I am excited to be back down in the crowd. He's not going to be thrilled but I can't deny your parents generosity." I said thrilled to be back among the fans and enjoy the game in the seats rather than the stuffy box.

"Fine, I get it. Come on squirt. Can't be late to see your man." I smiled as we walked down the steps towards the streets of Pittsburgh.

We reached the arena shortly after warm-ups which I was sad to miss, but I was just thrilled we made in on time for puck drop. We were in section 106 and about half way up which was very different from the glass seats they had gotten us last time, but still great nonetheless. I had messaged Catherine and Vero to let them know where I was and let them know I would see them afterward.

The game was brutal. It was a very physical game and it seemed the boys couldn't get the spark going. It was nearing the end of the third before I knew it and we trailed by three. Cole had even dropped the gloves to try to get some momentum for the team. The buzzer sounded and the arena was quiet. The six-game winning streak was over; busted by a shut out of all things.

"You want to go down and meet some of the guys?" I asked Jared.

"You think I can?"

"I'm an official WAG now; I don't even have to show the security guys my pass anymore. I'm sure you can."

"I would love to at least meet Kessel since Geno is out!"

"Well, if Sandra is here, I'm sure he will come to the lounge."

"Sweet!" He said excited to possibly meet the American Hero.

"Well let's go!" He said standing up with much more enthusiasm.

"Hold up there, buddy. We have to wait for a few more fans to leave. Then I'll take you to the secret elevator."

"There's a secret elevator?!" His eyes looked bright but then settled.

"No, not really but Dan won't let us on until fans clear out."

"Who the fuck is Dan?"

"He's the operator so that people don't go where they should not." I said laughing as we started up the steps.

"Hi Dan, this is Jared, he's my best friend and finally getting to meet the boyfriend tonight!" I half lied in case they wondered his reason for coming down.

"Of course Miss Alyssa." He nodded with a smile before hitting the correct button and nonstop function.

"Come on Jar." I said pulling him along the corridor as the doors opened that would lead to the family lounge.

I opened the door and the room was relatively full of people tonight, given it was a Friday night game. However, there was a tension to the air I have not really felt as a WAG. I had a feeling it was completely related to the loss. I saw Catherine and Alex right away. She was talking to Vero, Kelsey, and Kayla. The latter two were girls that I could see myself becoming good friends with. They were only a year older than me and have gone out of their way to include me in the box once we were introduced.

"Alyssa!" I heard a little voice call and soon felt one Alexander Letang wrap his arms around me. I leaned down to pick him up.

"How is my favorite little boy?" I asked as he hugged me tightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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