A R A C E & A S P I D E R

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I feel like I should write. I'm not sure why I feel like I should write, but I feel like I should write about him. So I will. 

I just started talking to Jackson. It was always small talk but he'd always make me laugh plus he had kittens and I needed to see them. I slowly started to realize we had a lot in common. We liked stars and roller-coasters, all that fun stuff. But really, it all started with a race..and a spider. He got hurt, I got bit. His ankle or his hip or his back it's not a super clear day for me but I remember my bites were infected and hurt like hell. He popped 3 Aleve like candy and my mom accidentally overdosed me on Benadryl. Overall, it was a pretty damn good day. A Thursday in early August, we dragged each other around school high out of our minds on various accidental medical overdoses laughing and joking about pretty much everything. I remember leaning up against the wall staring at him. Something, even in my over medicated brain knew, he was going to be special to me. Since I was high pretty much all day I can never remember exactly when that happened. But I'm glad it did. 

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