A U G U S T 2 6 T H P T. 2

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"Free study day" something rarely heard in my 6th period Advanced Functions class. My eyes immediately wondered to Jackson. His eyes locking onto mine. He had questions. In his hands was his deck of playing cards.

Again I formulated a plan. I casually spun the desk around in front of him and sat down. 

"wanna play a game."

"what game?" He looked up at me. his eyes sparkled with curiosity. God I LOVE his eyes.

"It's like war, but if you win twice in a row the other person owes a confession or a fact about themselves." He broke eye contact with me and looked down at his cards, then back up at me. 
"It's fun" I added "The other times I've played it" I lied. I made the game up on the spot. I just wanted to find a fun way of telling him I might possibly be totally absolutely 100% head over heels for him. 


Once the cards are divided equally between us I think he went first. He put down a high card. I bit my lip once I remembered, all though this game was all chance, I totally sucked at it. I put my card down, it was lower and I lost. Groaning in frustration already I put my next card down, I remember being proud of it, grinning his direction until he smirked at me and put down his card. I lost again and I had to do a confession. This went back and fourth for awhile. I won some, he won some.  Some of them were silly childhood stories, some were things that shouldn't be said in school. 

"No ones listening" I said looking at his eyes cautiously scanning the room for eavesdroppers "No one ever listens" I reassured.

As we continued to play the tensions rose and we began dancing around the subject of us until finally, I don't remember how we got there or who said which one but all I remember is the phrases:

"Well maybe I like you"

"Well maybe I like you too"

 We were staring at each other. His cheeks and the tips of his ears were scarlet red. I'm guessing I was red too. I just smiled and giggled. He smiled back at me. Then he stopped. 

"Can we....talk about this later?" he said to me as the bell rang

"Yeah. After school...in your car maybe?" I hesitated after saying it. He had Cross Country. 
"...but cross country...." I added. 

"It can wait" he said. 

7th period was a blur. I just couldn't wait to get back into his car and see him again. 

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