S E P T E M B E R 1 0 T H

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~shortest chapter ever~
Today was the day I told Jackson I loved him.
It was cool outside, but it didn't matter because we were inside curled up together on his couch, playing silly games with the tv running in the background.
We were sitting on the couch facing each other. He was staring at me but I can't remember why.
That's when it popped into my head "I love you" I'd never told him I love him of course. I wasn't sure he loved me and we were only 17 days shy of one month so the tho get of true love was a sensitive subject. And as far as I was concerned, no one loved me.
Snapping back to reality there he was, sitting inches from me, His ocean eyes swallowing me, he pulled me into a hug and it slipped out. 
In the smallest voice I whispered into the back of his shirt:
"I love you"
I felt his shoulder tense and I panicked. He pulled away and his eyes were big he looked me up and down before looking me in the face and saying "what?"
"Y-you heard me....." I'd said it too soon. I meant it, I knew I loved him but I was horrified that I had just scared him into not loving me back. I'm pretty sure I was about to burst into tears apologizing for what I'd said but all of a sudden he cracked the most beautiful geeky smile and said those amazing words.
"I love you too"
That sparked the beginning of our forever.

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