L A B OR D A Y Y E A R 2: D A Y 3

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Jackson and I stayed in bed until noon that day. Snuggled close together breathing in each others gross morning breath and just being stupid. I made the mistake of tickling him and I swear I thought the bed was going to fall apart because he was flailing around like a fish. Eventually Jen coaxed us out of bed to go get food, Dan had left earlier that morning to do assignments.  We went to another dining hall different than the one yesterday, Emma joined us this time. I ate more ice cream that time because honestly it's what I wanted. We talked for awhile then decided to head back to the dorms. On the way there we ran into one of my friends from high school. I was super excited to see him so I naturally jumped on him and hugged him. We joked around in the hall for a while then made our way back to Jackson's room. 

Eventually we went up to the 9th floor of the Library. It was gorgeous. I don't remember a lot about Monday. I was sad honestly, I had to leave at the end of the day and I didn't want to. I kinda walked around taking everything in and I forgot to actually remember anything. 

All I remember is sitting on the ledge in front of the student union with my dad on the phone yelling in my ear trying to find where I was. Jackson was standing next to me. I was trying not to cry. I didn't want to leave Jackson. I had a little feeling he was ready to have me leave I kind of felt like at the time I was starting to intrude on his life and he just wanted to get back to his normal thing. I pushed the thought into the back of my mind. I knew he didn't think that. I saw my dad pull into a parking spot across the street. This was it. Jackson and I crossed the street to the car. I hugged Jackson and tried to kiss him but he didn't let me. That always bothered me that he didn't want to kiss me in front of my parents. They didn't care but apparently he did. My dad was practically driving away by the time I shut the door. I cried obviously and the fact he didn't want to kiss me made it worse. I was a mess of emotions the whole way home and when we got there I just went to my room and went to bed. I was back to normal. Alone and just living to go to work and school. I fell asleep alone that night, I hated it. 

Day 3 

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