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I'm pretty sure Smash Bros day, I call it, was our next bonding experience. There was going to a meteor shower. Me, being into things that fall out of they sky, was totally going to go with a group of kids way younger than me on the schools bus out to the land the school owns to watch it until I got tired and decided to go home. I immediately thought 

"You know who else would like this?? Jackson would." So, I invited him. He said hell yeah that sounds like so much fun and poof, it was a plan.   The night of the shower came and my mom announced that they cancelled it because parents were complaining about bed times. Which was a problem, because Jackson was already on his way, to my house, in the dark, expecting a meteor shower. This, wouldn't have been a problem if I hadn't lived smack in the middle of the city. But I did, therefore, smog and lights covered up any chances of us seeing meteors let alone stars. I texted him the change of plans, we were going to hang out in my room. kinda alone. playing video games. I was pretty freaking nervous won't lie. about 15 minutes later it happened. 

There was a knock at my front door and my heart, kid you not, skipped a beat. I answer the door as nonchalantly as possible. My mom gives me the shpeel about not being in a room with a boy unless my brother was there. I assured her we were just friends but she insisted. I complied simply because I knew nothing would happen...I wasn't going to try anything.. I didn't think he liked me. Ever since the drug fiasco we'd been best friends, pretty much inseparable in my opinion. Always talking and joking, in science we'd play hangman and not even listen to the lesson. 

Less than 3 minutes we were in my room and i was turning on my Wii on my tiny TV. I have Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros Brawl then like every Just Dance game ever made ever. So I put Super Smash Bros in because who doesn't love that game? About halfway through a tournament that he was totally kicking my butt at I dropped the controller on my bed. 

"Are you hungry? I have left over chicken nuggets from McDonald's if you want some" He paused the game and looked at me with big eyes

"I love McNuggets" I smiled and got up. Ran down stairs at full speed and raced back upstairs with the food. 

The rest of the night we played Smash Bros and ate McNuggets. I thought it was so cute. Every time he wanted a nuggets he'd say, without even looking at me, "Nugg meee!!". That was the best night I'd had in a while. When he left I didn't stop smiling until the moment I fell asleep. 

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